The Case for the 4-Day Workweek
Today's Lesson for Everything and Everybody: It's Too Soon to Tell
Base Rate
Liebreich: Separating Hype from Hydrogen – Part Two: The Demand Side
No, Violent Crime Is Not Up in Los Angeles
Scans of an in-room service brochure from the Resort-Hotel...
Efficiency is the Enemy
Not a place of honor.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Fads
The War on Critical Race Theory
The miracle of the commons
Netflix Orders Several Gruesome Murders for New True Crime Documentary Series
thank you, i AM as cool as can be whilst sitting around while alive
donald currey more like donald currentlycuttingdowntree-ey
Hundreds Of Companies Voice Opposition To GOP Voting Limits On Memo Line Of Donation Checks
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AGI
Lena @ Things Of Interest
Trans Woman Would Actually Rather Be Safe Than Brave: ow.ly/uDcU50Eml92 pic.twitter.com/cHj6zBOfas
Means-Tested Programs For the Poor Are Great. Here's the Evidence.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Self
Supreme Court Sides With Google In Decade-Long Fight Over API Copyright; Google's Copying Of Java API Is Fair Use
America Ruined My Name for Me
if only they'd decided to end the war at the 10th hour and 58th minute of the 11th day of the 11th month instead!! if only
Is DC Statehood a Partisan Power Grab?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - NFT
perv levels
'The Daughters of Dolly' and the Limits of Our Racial Imagination
The Whole Point Was to Avoid Mob Violence
logical FAILacies. no wait: logical LAFFacies. got it in two.
3 Ways the Pandemic Has Made the World Better
Milky Way, 12 years, 1250 hours of exposures and 125 x 22 degrees of sky
Receiving SpaceX Falcon 9 Telemetry with a HackRF and 1.2m Satellite Dish
Where Do We Go From Here on Tax Credits?
Tricameral Legislatures
Against Child Hostages
The Parliamentarian Does Not Decide Byrd Rule Questions
The Success Sequence Has Found Its Latest Mark
Double March
Simulating the Minimum Wage in the Tax Code
Here's What Happens When We No Longer Need Saudi Arabian Oil
The Joy of Condensed Matter - Issue 97: Wonder
The modern packager's security nightmare
Covid Likely To Become Endemic
Something About The Way Society Was Exposed As Complete Illusion Over Past Year Really Getting Man Down Today
Silicon Valley isn't full of fascists
In defense of interesting writing on controversial topics
Links for January 2021
im sorry i took you for granted
The Republican Party Is Radicalizing Against Democracy
What the next generation of editors need to tell their political reporters
Romney's Child Allowance Improves on Biden Proposal
Social Welfare Is as American as Apple Pie
The directed graph of stereotypical incomprehensibility
Norway's State Ownership During the Pandemic
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Expansion
ISP Monopolies
Do You Remember What Conservatives Feared About Hillary?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Think
The Bernie movement: An assessment
When costs are nonlinear, keep it small.
The Michael Scott Theory of Social Class
When costs are nonlinear, keep it small.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Library
The Michael Scott Theory of Social Class
a vision of the past gives us a vision of tomorrow
out here canonically establishing how long panel three takes, a bold and perhaps limiting choice
I told you so, 2021 edition
#1523; In which Hot Takes are Served Fresh
'Our souls are dead': how I survived a Chinese 're-education' camp for Uighurs
Onward Christian Soldiers
Rebecca Solnit: When the President of Mediocrity Incites an Insurrection
Only the Church Can Truly Defeat a Christian Insurrection
Chain of Command
Top Ten Things You Might Not Know But Probably Should
Distributional Analysis of the $2000 Survival Checks
Trump's worst pardon is one you haven't heard about
Cyberpunk 2077 QA Team Horrified to Learn Game Has Already Released
This 1998 edition of a Mystery Flesh Pit National Park Trail Map...
This video captures a live emergency alert broadcast from August...
There's No Need To Be Chicken Little About the Debt
Chart of the Day: Stimulus Today vs. Stimulus in 2009
Chart of the Day: The Moderna Vaccine Looks Pretty Good!
How Should We Understand Capital Income Inequality?
lazorsandparadox:lazorsandparadox: lazorsandparadox:thereallieut...
Covid Precaution Level
Review: 'Cyberpunk: 2077' Is a Perfect Game, Is What I Must Say to Make Sure the Abused Workers Get Their Bonuses
the anti-genius game
This page is a truly naked, brutalist html quine.
Links for October 2020
Is America Trapped in a Caste System?
the devil is just TRYING to get a word in edgewise here, but alas, his efforts were insufficient
#1179; Time for the Truth
Nation Can't Believe They Spent So Long Overlooking Obvious Solution Of mRNA Instructions For Spike Protein Encapsulated In Lipid Nanoparticle
in contract, the slippery slope fallacy is the most exciting and fun-sounding one. or if you're old it sounds dangerous. either way sign me up
Why the Culture Wins: An Appreciation of Iain M. Banks
The Historian Who Sees the Future
Down With Geometry!
Joe Biden Won. But Trumpism Didn't Lose.
Electoral College denialism
Nation Hopeful For Better Future Where Activists Celebrities Will Finally Shut The Fuck Up
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Seasonal
Results from 20 years of experiments summarized
AOC's Attractiveness Drives Us All Mad
Purge the Courts
In This House, We Believe…
With a Week to Go, It's Looking Like a Landslide
Earn $20K EVERY MONTH by being your own boss
Just a few of the low points
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Fast
Pack the Court, Save the Vote
The straight cis men at a corporate gym helped save my trans soul
Key developments for Tuesday, October 20, 2020
The Supernova That Measured The Universe
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - In Charge
5 Well Paying Jobs Your Parents Probably Have if You're Voting Third Party
There's a Word for Why We Wear Masks, and Liberals Should Say It
Section 230 Is The Subject of The Most Effective Legal Propaganda I've Ever Seen
thaddeus e. grugq
Trump's Great "Unmasking" Hoax Is Finally Dead
Trump's Great "Unmasking" Hoax Is Finally Dead
Nihilist Pals
Key developments for Tuesday, October 13, 2020
in a different, and i will say perhaps better universe, bill murray stars in all of these stories
Minitrue: Do Not Hype Trump's Coronavirus Diagnosis
Reprogramming a Game By Playing It: an Unbelievable Super Mario Bros 3 Speedrun
Why Is Donald Trump Deliberately Losing Money?
The 2020 Elections and Beyond
Chart of the Day: Net New Jobs in September
Millionaires and Billionaires Own 79% of All Household Wealth
Pletka gets Chotinered
Black-velvet "patriotic education"
The deeper sickness
Fact of the Day: Crime Is Still Falling in the United States
Telling the Truth Is Not 'Indoctrination'
Justice Department Releases Its Dangerous & Unconstitutional Plan To Revise Section 230
the french call comics "the ninth art" which is SO INSANELY CLASSY, so please enjoy this ninth art from a ninth artist on the ninth art about art
Judge clears way for ranked choice voting in Maine
What Exactly is the Liberal Position on the Supreme Court?
Pletka gets Chotinered
Black-velvet "patriotic education"
Living in a Conspiracy Nation
The deeper sickness
Conservative Evangelical Asks God To Give Him Strength To Incorporate Forced Hysterectomies Into Belief System
Blazing Fall Color
There Is No Defense of Looting
Seven High Frequency Indicators for the Economy
Work on what matters.
The Next Reconstruction
Rush Limbaugh and "feminazis"
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Demarcation
Translation: A "Civility Code" Will Only Make Us Fearful
here's a thing that used to happen
'This is Not How Things Change,' Says Woman About the Only Way Things Have Ever Changed
American Conservatism, b. 1955, d. 2020?
Trump Has Mocked the U.S. Military His Whole Life
10 Ways Trump Is Becoming a Dictator, Election Edition
A Pandemic Employment Model
White Nationalists Hijack The Murder Of Cannon Hinnant To Push A Race War Narrative
when someone says "die angry about it" the only correct response is "can't wait"; this is my opinion and if you disagree then i kindly ask that you die angry about it
Deficit Set to Become Big Problem on November 4th
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are 'Losers' and 'Suckers'
not going back
Encounters from Dungeons and Dragons: 2020 Edition
Protecting the Products of Liberty
Heartwarming: Christian and Atheist YouTuber Used to Hate Each Other But Now Agree the White Race is Under Attack
Using Conservative Logic to Defend History's Greatest Monsters
Tucker Carlson Defends Stage IV Colon Cancer
Justifying a Moral Duty to Vote is a Lot Harder than You Might Think
RFC8890: The Internet is for End Users
Fact of the Day: Manufacturing as a % of the Workforce, 1985-2020
Arrested Kenosha Shooter Given One Phone Call To Tucker Carlson Show
New Study Suggests "Essential" Workers Are Not at Increased Risk of Dying from COVID-19
Forward and Back
Who Killed the Supergrid?
Who's Afraid of Deficit Spending?
The Vaccine Struggle
I Love MDN, or the cult of the free in action
Raw Data: Blue Collar Wages During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Trump Tries to Grab Credit for Israel-UAE Deal
President Trump Has a Great Idea About Social Security—Really
Doom scroll!
Defund the Police? We've Already Done It Successfully in America.
Links for July 2020
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Catechism
Five years from now
Help! I Don't Know What Color Stripe to Add to My Flag for Trump's Secret Nightmare Police
Twilight of the Liberal Right
There Is Nothing Conservative About What Trump Is Doing in Portland
Trump Is Putting On a Show in Portland
The Poison of Male Incivility
Daft Trump - Harder, Woman, Faster, Camera
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bread and Circuses
Rush Limbaugh and "feminazis"
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Graph
COVID-19 reinfection is possible, but we don't know how common it is
The World's Most Technologically Sophisticated Genocide Is Happening in Xinjiang
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Arrow of Time
We Need New Stimulus Now
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: Writing Beyond Race: Living Theory...
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: Teaching To Transgress: Education...
Cursed Responders
Meet the first and only Air Force pilot to shoot down a satellite
A Portrait of a Direct Descendent of Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings
Bad Traditionalism
The Dog Whisperer of the ICU
Links for June 2020
The Boogaloo Tipping Point
"What, to My People, is the Fourth of July?"
Let's Make July Fourth a True Independence Day
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Social Media
Unpacking the logic behind "slow the testing down, please"
COVID-19 might not linger long in the air, but it does 'extensively contaminate' surfaces
What the Confederacy Was
State of the Pandemic, June 2020, Part II: Therapies and Vaccines
All of HBO's Watchmen is free to watch this weekend
That Word Does Not Mean What You Think It Means
can we all just admit: a comic which will make me receive either grateful recognition or BRUTAL OSTRACIZATION
Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop
Teargaslighting @spockosbrain
The brass send a message
5 Concerns About Abolition's Viability, From Someone Who Just Heard of it Yesterday
American Racism: We've Got So Very Far to Go
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for Sun, 07 Jun 2020 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/kzCEO1Sw31
The Mattis Effect
Ranked choice voting impacts eight races at the Utah GOP Convention
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Undead
Teargaslighting @spockosbrain
A Nation Without Law, Order, or Justice
Nixon Started the War on Drugs to Target Black People & the Antiwar Left
The brass send a message
Local R is on the upswing again
James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution
BREAKING: Leave Your Black Friend the Fuck Alone Right Now, Damn. I Mean, Make Sure They're Okay But Like, Jesus
Why I'm Bravely Defending Police Brutality On The Anniversary Of The Tulsa Race Massacre
These Cops Should Expect to Be Assaulted If They're Gonna Go out Dressed Like That
How to Use the Past Exonerative Tense to Uphold White Supremacy
From Captain Queeg to Winston Churchill: Lessons in Leading Up
Black People Must Embrace the Second Amendment [Op-Ed]
Police Confirm Standard Target Practice Cut Out Character Has Back Turned
but the paradox, you see
Protestors Criticized For Looting Businesses Without Forming Private Equity Firm First
White House Press Secretary: 'Trump's Critics Will Seize On Any Six-Figure Death Toll That Suits Their Narrative'
Donald Trump Is Mentally Unhinged
BREAKING: study shows 'silent' COVID-19 infections more widespread than expected
Heroes Act Retroactively Incentivizes Labor Supply in 2019
Donald Trump, the Most Unmanly President
Amending the Constitution Is the Only Way to Restore Our Democracy
Stringer Bell Was Very Dumb, Very Bad at His Job, and Deserved to Die
Alfred Hitchcock Presents: "Leaving Your Home After Self-Isolating for Two Months"
Nation's Politicians, Law Enforcement, Corporate Executives Marvel At Futuristic Utopia They're Living In
The Myths of the Earned Income Tax Credit
Normalizing Trump, normalizing Republicans
Always Adjust COVID-19 Deaths for Population
'Ship of Theseus' DLC Changes So Much About Sea of Thieves That It Might Not Even Be the Same Game Anymore
The Conspiracy Theorists Are Winning
now THAT's what i call a regional taste!!
compulsively overstimulatin
Taking #Obamagate Seriously
The Marketplace of Ideas
Experts Doubt the Sun Is Actually Burning Coal
New Report Says 7 Million Will Lose Health Insurance
COVID Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying
The Spy of Night and Fog
More About That FEMA/CDC Report
While discussing STAR WARS fans...
Bye, Amazon
Collections: The Fremen Mirage, Part I: War at the Dawn of Civilization
Collections: Why Don't We Use Chemical Weapons Anymore?
Dr. Erickson's viral "COVID-19 Briefing" video is dangerously wrong
FAQ: Composting
To Understand the Medical Supply Shortage, It Helps to Know How the U.S. Lost the Lithium Ion Battery to China
BP Celebrates 10th Anniversary Of Deepwater Horizon By Dyeing Gulf Of Mexico Black
'You've Served Me Well, But This Has Gone Too Far' Says Oprah Loading Shotgun After Watching Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil Fox News Appearances
Oh, Elon
Moderate Democrats Suggest Working with Coronavirus to Find Common Ground
Nerd Immunity
Here's the Truth About the Travel Ban
Entire Office Now Privy To Woman's Long Shelf Of Tiny Two-Inch Dildos
The pilot's intuition
New Cyberpunk 2077 faction protects sex workers from violence
We Need A Massive Surveillance Program
We Are Still At Least Two Weeks Away From Our Peak
Legal Systems Very Different From Ours, Because I Just Made Them Up
District Court Finds Bump Stock Ban May Constitute a Taking, Because the Federal Government Lacks a Police Power
Vermont to Allow Curbside Firearm Sales
Common-Good Constitutionalism Is an Idea as Dangerous as They Come
Good News: Unemployment Claims Soar Past 6 Million This Week
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pu
Single car accident
Short Existentialist Plays Starring You, Your Coworkers, and Your Family During Quarantine
'It's Sort of Like Being in Prison,' Says Woman Eating Yogurt in Bed Who Also Has Voting Rights
Here's How Much You'll Get From the New Unemployment Benefits
The Underappreciated Impact of the Attention Redistribution Revolution
SF Bar Owner to Yelp:
What Do We Call a Deliberately Engineered Recession?
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for Thu, 26 Mar 2020 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/9ArBKU0IN2
The Coronavirus Is the Worst Intelligence Failure in U.S. History
Understanding Claims About Basic Income and Inflation
Fed: Whatever it Takes Announcement
John Carpenter Announces Release Dates for "They Live" Sequels "They Laugh" and "They Love"
Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance
just thinking about how easy it is for T-Rex to do the "live long and prosper" gesture
We May Be In This for the Long Haul…
Some Economic Responses to the Coronavirus Recession
Escape Pod 723: How Did it Feel to be Eaten?
Health Experts Worry Coronavirus Will Overwhelm America's GoFundMe System
Lessons from Lockdown: I'm done trying to convince the doubters to prepare
FAMILY Act Would Deny Benefits to One-Third of New Parents
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Vah
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Memory
Oh Fuck, I Hit Deerhoof With My Car
The Republican Tax Cut Had No Effect on Growth
Fareed Zakaria Is Completely Ignorant About the Nordics
New Indie Game Just Lets You Lay in a Damn Field for a While, Doesn't That Sound Nice?
Where Does Donald Trump's Strange (And Dangerous) 'Absolute Rights' Idea Come From?
COVID-19: key developments for Friday, February 28, 2020
This viral chart doesn't explain much about middle-class living standards
Only the Fist Bump Can Defeat the Coronavirus
COVID-19: key developments for Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Special Edition GIF/JIF Peanut Butter Jar
Russian Multiplication: A Different Way to Multiply
The Lost 110 Words of Our Constitution
sweaterweathercub: thefingerfuckingfemalefury: endangered-justic...
Researchers Tape Speed Limit Sign to Make Teslas Accelerate to 85 MPH
ABC Conducts an "Exclusive" "Interview" about Sentencing Guidelines without Asking about Sentencing Guidelines
The Democratic Party Is Collapsing. Just Like the Republican Party Did.
hahaha hold up
Pete Buttigieg's Health Care Plan Is A Joke
Milton Friedman's World Is Dead and Gone
Today on Married To The Sea: The Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. I...
The Flight
Hollywood Legend Kirk Douglas Dead In Apparent Age Overdose
Wow! This Child Actress is All Grown Up, and You Won't Believe How Much She Hates Your Obsession With What She Looks Like Now
Our Social Media is Broken. Is Decentralization the Fix?
Niskanen Center Joins R Street Institute and Public Knowledge in Google v. Oracle Amicus Brief
Bolton Pledges To Donate All Proceeds From Book Towards Killing Iranians
Shitty Ass Video Doesn't Have Goddamn Captions
Developing in Production
The Sports World's Blue-Collar Cosplay
Releasing the Drosophila Hemibrain Connectome — The Largest Synapse-Resolution Map of Brain Connectivity
Homophobia, Transphobia, Body Shaming is Bad
All The Hayao Miyazaki Films Ranked By How Much I Will Scream At You For Criticising Them
Google v. Oracle
you can't choose to be trad
Testimony before the House Antitrust Subcommittee
Not Your Father's Income Tax
The Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication
Wanting peace is now disgraceful? WWJD?
caden: yall r still mad at your high school english teachers for making u analyze shakespeare or...
Do Air Filters Really Improve Student Performance?
Hasbro Launches Line Of Trap-Building Kits To Encourage Girls To Get Into Post-Apocalyptic Survivalism
Alignment Chart Alignment Chart
Sex work decriminalization bill introduced
Manufacturing Is Officially In a Recession
The Designated Mourner
Faulty Equipment, Lapsed Training, Repeated Warnings: How a Preventable Disaster Killed Six Marines
36C3 - What the World can learn from Hongkong
Here Are a Few Things Lots of Liberals Believe That They Shouldn't
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for Thu, 26 Dec 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/SJ2BduPzch
How to Break Up Corporate Giants
Lauren Hough's compelling account of a decade doing cable repair in D.C.
Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy
Clitoris Fish Not Getting Nearly Enough Attention
The Best Optical Illusion of the Year for 2019
GitHub Archive Program
Finland's Economy Really Is Highly Socialized
The 'Russia Hoax' Is a Hoax
Why 435?
OIG Report Says FBI Is Incompetent, But Harbors No Anti-Trump Bias
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Podcast
Here's (One Reason) Why Democrats Should Get Behind a Massive Climate R&D Project
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Unique
your whole family is made out of idiosyncratically flavoured carbon
The World's Oldest Blockchain Has Been Hiding in the New York Times Since 1995
Dinesh D'Souza and the Decline of Conservatism
Health Insurance Churn in the US Is a Nightmare
A Deepfake Nixon Delivers Eulogy for the Apollo 11 Astronauts
Hamilton on Impeachment
How to Break Up Corporate Giants
New Evidence Shows That 2020 Census Citizenship Question Was a Sham All Along
Rank Loyalties
How America Ends
Three little words
Ukrainegate Is a Hoax Because Some Guy Did Some Stuff
Taxes Are Surprisingly Similar in Texas and California
How to Approach Medicare for All Financing
The Treat
OK, Gen Z-ers
Election Day 2019: A Record 11 Cities to Use Ranked Choice Voting
The Milky Way Reflected in the World's Largest Mirror
"When you're a star, they should let you do anything"
CRF Files, Part I:The Future of Korea
Video Games Are Better Without Game-Play
but - but t-rex! the author has been dead since 1967, and the publication of that seminal essay by the French literary critic and theorist Roland Barthes!
New Poll Finds Voters Strongly Oppose Employer Insurance
Is WeWork Even Worth $8 Billion?
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for October 22, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/rKXxSvCTQx
A Quick Look at the Democratic Tax Plans
language is easy and i will not be dissuaded from this correct opinion
[Report] : The New China Syndrome, by Barry C. Lynn : Harper's Magazine
Jeff Bezos's Master Plan
The Talk
Ellen and the art of moral compromise
Why do prime numbers make these spirals?
Billionaire or Supervillain?
Hong Kong Protest Art
A Brief History of Philosophical Skepticism
The Great British Baking Show Technical Challenges Are a Scourge
Text Messages Dive Deeper Into Trump's Extortion of Ukraine
Blocked Artery Causes Campaign Woes For Vermont Politician
destroy the system
The President of the United States Is Unwell
culinary vlogger
hey there hey there HEY THERE HEY THERE H̸̢̨͍̲̮̥̩̜̳̳̔̃̑̈́͒́̓̔͂̏ͅE̶̻̙̣̒̏͆̌̃̈͌̀̑̒͛͠͝͠Ẏ̶̨̢̧̫̩͎̰̬̗̠̞̰̠̞̊̔̇̀̚͜ ̴̺̬̣͔̖͕̝̓̊̓T̷̜̦̥̹͊̋̊̽̾͋͑̉̋̈́H̸̨̰̲̣͇̬͉̫̥̥͇͙̮͉̏̎͛͋̌ͅÉ̴̛̮̖͎̱͎̘́͑͑̄̅͌̓͜Ŗ̸̫̯̭̭̞̞̳̰̠̭̯̞̣͌͐̉͊̇̓̂̄̔̃͒͆̂̽͝ͅE̵̛̳̻̩͖̼͍̐͊͂̆̍͛͊
#1496; Requiescat in Peonies
The US Welfare State Cut Poverty by Two-Thirds in 2018
If This Isn't Impeachable, Nothing Is
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for September 20, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/A80Jh5fW6d
Use This Acrostic to Help Determine Your Electability
Simone Weils Gives a Convincing Argument
no not bedtime
What the Right Doesn't Understand About Black Colleges
List: 16 Surprising Ways to Injure Yourself When You're Over 40
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Apology
as long as you promise not to look into this statement deeply, i would like to claim that i too came out rapping when i was born
How Trump's Justice Department Screwed James Comey
Grand Narrative: An Intake from Slouching Towards Utopia?: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century, 1870-2016
A Tax You Will Love
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for August 30, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/Jd5HSU0T4Y
The State of the Music Industry
Want to Feel Old? You Just Said Something Racist Without Even Realizing It
Don't Use These Free Speech Arguments Ever Again
Football Program In Jeopardy After High School Allocates $500,000 To 'Little Women' Production
Las Vegas Man Arrested in Plots Against Jews Was Said to Be Affiliated With Atomwaffen Division
don't worry everyone: the person who recruited them and stood to profit from their participation assured them that it WASN'T a pyramid scheme, so we're good! we're good. case closed
The 1619 Project
He Typeth
Thirty-Two Short Stories About Death in Prison
We Sit Down With the Sick, Sad Man Who Allows Websites to Send Him Desktop Notifications
apologies if i already wrote a comic on this subject matter when i was three, but as i just established: childhood amnesia
argentumlupus1: your-raifu-is-shit: throh: ollivander: flower...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Emotion
Customer Tells Deaf Man to "Go Back to Your Own Country" After He Speaks Sign Language
Regulated Capitalism Is the Answer to Global Warming
Amy Wax and white supremacy
Small Town Ravished By Alejandro
List: Mueller Does Shakespeare
Why Does the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page Lie So Much?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Life Tip
Neural net encoded in glass doesn't use electricity
Good for the Jews
List: Things You're More Likely to Get Arrested for Than Rape
Editor Revisions to Your Article About Donald Trump's Most Recent Racist Tweets
The Injustice of Demanding that Migrants Go Back and "Fix their Own Countries"
The Metamorphosis
Tucker Carlson Has Failed to Assimilate
Trained a Neural Net
Freedom And Equality: Freedom From Domination Part 1
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Recursion
A taxpayer-funded campaign ad
Live-Action 'Little Mermaid' to Feature Hidden Live-Action Penis
Running a Tesla Model 3 on Autopilot off the Road with GPS Spoofing
Happy Bobby Bonilla Day
50 Million Adults Are Uninsured Every Single Year
As Usual, Public Opinion on Abortion is Rock Steady
Using a Software Defined Radio to Send Fake Presidential Alerts over LTE
The Student Debt Forgiveness Muddle Continues
Millennial Debt Is Actually Quite Low
Tonight We Almost Started A War With Iran
the secret from god (which is not featured in this comic)
My Embryos Are Different From My Children
This Jewish Rabbi Just DESTROYED The Pharisees With FACTS And LOGIC
Trump Thanks Supporters Who Sacrificed Time, Money, Friends, Family, Morals, Religious Beliefs To Be Here Today
The only good use for Smart Quotes, ever
Insulin and the Free Market: A Brief Inquiry
Top 1% Up $21 Trillion. Bottom 50% Down $900 Billion.
This third rate B-movie show
The American Economy Is Rarely Good for Workers
An Up-Close Look at Explosions in Sweden
Obtained Records Show ICE Is Using ALPR Databases To Reconstruct Targets' Lives
Small Idaho City Shows The Benefits Of Open Access Broadband Networks
There are no defensive shooting experts.
Finally got my Emacs setup just how I like it
Last-Ditch Climate Change Report Provides Locations Of Weapons, Current Whereabouts Of Oil Executives
These are good axes
metaphorically speaking, i have, without your knowledge, consumed the best and most accessible parts of your milkshake
Open Letters: An Open Letter to Everyone Sharing Their Wisdom About How to Cure My Depression
Raw Data: The Trade Deficit With China
Raw Data: Mass Incarceration and the 1994 Crime Bill
My advice? Give up. Buy this on eBay.
VT Governor Calls in FEMA to Help Mow Lawns During Emergency Time of Cloudy Wetness
love of the sea
Trump's Cover-Up Accelerates
Julian Assange Indicted for Publishing US Secrets
In a Constantly Changing San Francisco, Change is Constant
Wedding Experts Say Engagement Ring Should Cost At Least Three Diamond Miners' Lives
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Their
Fresh Support for Social Wealth Fund Development
Woke Harry Met Sally
How to Really Honor the Troops
New 'Call Of Duty' Career Mode Lets Player Join Raytheon's Board Of Directors After Military Service
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for April 30, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/2Ag3J7d9tx
Providing Reparations for Victims of Unfree College
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Hobby
Death tax on democracy
List: Radiohead or Mueller Report?
Mueller's Damning Portrait of Trump
Trump Is Entitled to the Protections of Impeachment
Paris Vows To Rebuild Notre Dame Despite Cosmic Absurdity Of Seeking Inherent Meaning In Fleeting Creations Of Man
How's the Steel Industry Doing?
Congress Is About to Ban the Government From Offering Free Online Tax Filing. Thank TurboTax.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Open Borders
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for April 08, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/kj0DYPrK6n
People Lose Their Employer-Sponsored Insurance Constantly
living on easy street
Five Things Donald Trump Said on Tuesday
Replicating A Rolljam Wireless Vehicle Entry Attack with a Yardstick One and RTL-SDR
All the Best People
The Last Chance at Happiness, with Jeremy Bentham
Money Talks, and It Says Climate Change Is Real
theory: all the bad stuff on the internet actually comes from literal children who need help badly??
The Impossible Fractal Triangle
Belle & Sebastian CD Swapped for Pantera Before Car Dropped Off at Mechanic
List: Impossible reCAPTCHAs
Marijuana Legalization Reduces Police Searches
prodigal dinosaur comics
Fearing for his life
List: Revolutionary Quotes From Centrist History
#1465; Opening a New Challenge
Bohemian Rhapsody Porn Parody Closer to Real Story
Violence and sarcasm
The Case of the 500-Mile Email
people fake cancer too
The Reception to the Family Fun Pack
I Don't Give A Shit How You Bend The Cost Curve
The Family Fun Pack Makes Parenting Easy for Everyone
Democrats Need to Decide If Work Matters
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for February 07, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/tNYqCt86Ab
The Forgotten Father of Pizza in the USA
Sherlock Holmes, famously a pugilist and stick-fighter to people who have actually read the stories, sighed dramatically
Trump Announces New Initiative to Fight Social Climate Change
Wow! This Black Woman Has Had Bad Experiences With White People But Never Roamed Streets Looking for One to Murder
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Real Villain
Interesting articles on systemd and ZFS
Gov. Scott Unable to Contact $10K Grant Recipients Due to Poor Cell Signal
Biff Tannen
Norway Is Far More Socialist Than Venezuela
Democratic attacks on AOC expose the party's fear of taking on moneyed interests
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is wonderful. She will fail you.
Muppet Screams
waiter, i'm sorry, and i never do this, but... these takes arrived cold
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 22, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/SxW1xYUH0M
Roleplay, Interplay, Powerplay
The Consequences of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Canonization
In Which Friedrich Nietzsche is a Fan of the Cleveland Browns
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 20, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/Bnd6GuUQry
Low Turnout at Homelessness Awareness Day Blamed on People Not Wanting to Be Stuck Outside in the Cold
'This Is Impeachment Material'
The Shutdown and the First Amendment
Playing Red Dead Online as a black character means enduring racist garbage
Here's What's Really Happening at the Border
The floor time constraint of any 2021 agenda
How This All Happened
Trump's Hannity interview reveals a president out of touch with reality
The Flag of the Popular Vote
Mobile Suit Garfield
We Need to Admit That Mary Poppins Is a Sociopath
Growing Up With Economic Anxiety
I Used My Wife's Vibrating Dildo to Achieve My First Prostate Orgasm and Now I'm In Narnia and I Can't Get Back Home
Trump Has Defeated Himself
How the State Is Co-opting Religion in China
Sweden Has a 70 Percent Tax Rate and It Is Fine
There Is No Crisis on the Southern Border. None.
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 04, 2019 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/vlWu1f3vPv
83 Things That Blew Our Minds in 2018
For the Last Goddam Time: Wages Aren't Growing 3 Percent
Top 11 Charts of the Year
Consensus New Year
An Answer to Adam Weinstein's Question Regarding Mariia Butina
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - P-Bot
List: Classic Christmas Stories, Updated for Late-Stage Capitalism
How Chinese Activists Are "Traveled" or "Mentally Illed"
The Safecracker of Last Resort
In Defense of Emmet Sullivan: Van Grack Suggested Mueller Did Review Whether Flynn's Behavior Amounted to Treason
Right-Sizing American Capitalism
Top House Democrats join Elizabeth Warren's push to fundamentally change American capitalism
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Proof
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for December 13, 2018 gocomics.com/nancy pic.twitter.com/gbESaoBpKy
My Biannual Prop 187 Mythbusting Post
The YIMBY Neoliberal Platform
Energy storage is a lie
Energy storage is a lie
Avoiding Climate Change Without Sinking the Poor
Use These Non-Permissive Environment Carry Tips to Enhance Your Concealed Carry
The Digital Maginot Line
The Conscience of a Conservative
The CRISPR Baby Scandal Gets Worse by the Day
My New Book: Digital Minimalism
Chart of the Day: Wisconsin Gerrymandering Was Awesome
The Last Curious Man
52 Things Learned in 2018
52 Things Learned in 2018
"This is the biggest scandal in the history of the American presidency…"
Manafort, Cohen, and Individual 1 Are in Grave Danger
Democrats Have Never, Ever Denied That Election Fraud Exists
RT @pzmyers: There haven't been any examples of media hagiography of awful people lately, have there? freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/201… https://t.co/…
A letter to Adam Conover: RE: Adam Ruins the 2nd Amendment
America Is Poorer Than It Thinks
Obama Blasts Trump's Use Of Tear Gas On Foreigners: 'Frankly, I Would Have Used A Drone Strike'
just a little more dopamine
Holocaust Survivors Recall Exact Day Holocaust Started Right Out Of The Blue
My latest: Bob Mueller's endgame is in sight and he's already written a 287-page report: wired.com/story/manafort…
Important Not to Confuse Monopoly and Wealth Inequality
List: 13 YouTube Influencers You Should Know
Human Nature Sucks. Become a Lefty!
zombeesknees: pajamasecrets: cinematic parallells - ted theodore...
Is a Recession Coming?
Watch a Spaceship Leave Earth in Stunning ISS Video
Watch a Spaceship Leave Earth in Stunning ISS Video
RT @lilyhnewman: DARPA is racing to develop tools to "black start" the grid during a massive blackout caused by a digital attack...and they…
Deep Thoughts, By Malcolm Gladwell
Here are the chilling tricks we've caught Georgia using to disqualify voters
How Voter Suppression Actually Works
The Confounding Truth About Frederick Douglass
Top five actions you can take to get involved
Hey David: It Wasn't "We" Who Screwed the Working Class
Now I Know Why They Said I Lied
America's Problem Isn't Tribalism—It's Racism
Looks like fun
Why it's Wrong to Demand Immigrants Stay Home and "Fix Their Own Country"
Voter Fraud: Yes, We're Still Waiting For It To Happen
Why It's Too Difficult For Me to Vote, and How Many Beers I Can Butt Chug In Under 60 Seconds
Why a Helium Leak Disabled Every iPhone in a Medical Facility
Humanity Just Flew Closer to the Sun Than Ever Before
How and Why to Hold "Blameless Retrospectives"
Maybe there will be postcards? by @BloggersRUs
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Twins
Fortnite v6.03 Patch Notes
Trump's Patron-in-Chief: Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson
The Worst Hack in Science Fiction Has Allegedly Already Happened in Real Life
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - SOB
The CDC Is Publishing Unreliable Data On Gun Injuries. People Are Using It Anyway.
Armed Church Security in Colonial America
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - GMO
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Happy
Unintended Consequences: How The GDPR Can Undermine Privacy
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Batocrat
6/6 Time
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Death
Meet the Amateur Rocketeer Building Self-Landing Replicas of SpaceX Rockets
There is no longer any such thing as Computer Security
Local Man's Brain Releases New Dopamine Classic
China Has Chosen Cultural Genocide in Xinjiang—For Now
The Best Way to Eradicate Poverty: Welfare Not Jobs
How Did "OK" Become One of the Most Popular Words in the World?
To Combat Climate Change, We Gotta Get a Better Battery. But How?
The Harriet Tubman $20 Stamp
Theo Jansen's New Wind-Powered "Strandbeest" Is Super Fast
Algorithms to fix underrepresentation on Wikipedia
Watch This Liquid Membrane Filter Let Big Stuff Through and Keep Small Stuff Out
There's No Coup Against Trump
Yes, It's a White Power Sign
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Stats Gang
sorry about your fate and also era's knowledge of disease, bro!
On pumping your fuck brakes
The Utilitarian Calculator
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - They
the left is in a crisis of information
Man Listens to Grandson Explain DIY Ethic in House He Built With Bare Hands
So Sorry, We Gave All the Money to the Rich People
mixed metaphor internet
The People Who Have Stopped Saying 'Hey Guys'
Trump's White-Nationalist Pipeline
Burlington Cops Debunk Viral Video of Man 'Shooting Up Heroin'
Scarlett Johansson Cast as First Black James Bond
Nordic Governments Own 33% of the Region's Wealth
WaPo Keeps Publishing False Claims About Medicare-for-All
The Apotheosis of Dinesh D'Souza
Provider Payments Only Fall by 10.6% in Mercatus Study
Kevin Williamson's unhinged attack on Elizabeth Warren's corporate accountability bill, explained
Surprise: the Federalist Publishes Obvious Lies
Trump and the Enemies of the People
Conservatives Can't Decide If Nordic Socialism Is a Totalitarian Nightmare or Actually Capitalist
Sarah Sanders Alleges Tape Exists Of Trump Being Polite And Respectful To Someone
Mike Ness Punches Trump Supporter for 3 Minutes Longer Than Necessary
In Conversation: Penn Jillette
The White Nationalists Are Winning
Willfully Mistaking Derision For Fear
It's Easier to Leave the Solar System Than to Reach the Sun
Chart of the Day: Inflation Keeps Going Up, But Wages Are Going Down
Keeping the Web Open
Is a racially egalitarian American conservative party possible?
Laura Ingraham's Loss of Love for America
Identity Theft
Voting Software
Net Neutrality and Alex Jones
Identifying Socialist Institutions and Socialist Countries
How Trump Radicalized ICE
Comments Submitted to U.S. Census Bureau on Citizenship Question
The Hunger for a Bold Socialism
Campus PC Is Out of Control
"Rodney Mullen on Bath Salts"
Just Remember That Your Punk-Ass President Would Never, Ever, Ever Call Lebron James Dumb To His Face
Are We No Longer Allowed to Mock White Men?
The 10 Worst Sentences From Andrew Sullivan's 'When Racism Is Fit to Print,' Ranked From 'STFU Andy' to 'Does He Have a Concussion?'
EA Censors Colin Kaepernick's Name in Madden 19
What Do You Actually Need Photo ID for?
Are State Officials in Nordic Countries Unaccountable?
I Still Have One Question About Democratic Socialism
A 20-year time lapse of stars orbiting a massive black hole
There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea
How to see kung fu films
AR-10 Lower Receiver Made From Spent Brass
Is the US Leaning Red or Blue? It All Depends on Your Map
How Do You Pay For All This Stuff? How Do You Pay For All This Stuff? How Do You Pay For All This Stuff?
Capitalist Elizabeth Warren has the right antidote to socialism and Trumpism
Cheating the System: When VT Outlawed Weed-Gifting, this Innovative Smoke Shop Started a Cannabis Yankee Swap
Regarding his friend's reaction to pop culture...
Social Illness of the Week: Straight Man Cancer
Stormy was set-up
Democrats Are Moving Left. Don't Panic.
Democrats Are Moving Left. Don't Panic.
A Neoliberal Nightmare at OZY Fest 2018
Real Mass Hysteria, American Style
Many Migrant Families Weren't Just Separated
The QAnon Conspiracy Has Stumbled Into Real Life, And It's Not Going To End Well
Michael Anton and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Racist Argument on Birthright Citizenship
An orchestral take on Ibiza club hits
How Dare You Waste Time Looking At These Cool Surfing GIFs While Trump Occupies The White House
to call things by their right names
Does legal weed make police more effective?
Businesses have hijacked capitalism — and left workers behind
Commentary on Jennifer Carlson's book Citizen-Protectors
Mark Zuckerberg Doesn't Understand Holocaust Denial
Trump's latest interview on Russia shows the profound crisis facing America
Fred Hiatt Commissions White Nationalist to Write Egregiously Dishonest Article Advocating Ethnic Cleansing
Open sourcing oomd, a new approach to handling OOMs
Radical Socialism or Clear-Eyed Realism?
Can Charles Mills Save Liberal Philosophy From Itself?
Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?
Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?
A Bad Argument on Birthright Citizenship
Steve King Is A White Supremacist, And The GOP Doesn't Care
Chart of the Day? Jobless Claims Hit 50 Year Low
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered
Alt-Right Troll To Father Killer: The Unraveling Of Lane Davis
U.S. Officials 'at a Fucking Loss' Over Latest Russia Sell Out
The GOP Really Needs Mueller's Report
NATO Countries Have Increased Defense Spending Every Year Since 2014
Tucker Carlson: Mexico is interfering in US elections by "packing our electorate"
Every Republican Has a Choice: Their Country, or Trump
#1411; In which a Summons goes unanswered
Making Amazon Alexa respond to Sign Language using AILatest...
Ranked Choice Voting's Midterm Report
If democratic socialism is so bad, why is Norway so great?
There Is Nothing Inherently Wrong With State Ownership
Michael Flynn Has a New Job
What Is QAnon? The Craziest Theory of the Trump Era, Explained
The Socialist Network
The bots are back in town
A note on the politics of the Supreme Court
Breast Feeding? Not So Fast. The Tender Feelings of Infant Formula Makers Come First.
Trump Is Committing An Act of State Terror Against Migrant Families
Pay the Homeless
Why Does No One Care About Meatpackers?
When Cruelty Is Paired With Incompetence and Dishonesty
Horrified Baptist Parents Discover 'Fortnite' Contains Dancing
Workers or Profits? American Businesses Chose a Long Time Ago.
Scott Pruitt Wasn't Corrupt Enough for Trumpistan
Socialism with Midwestern Characteristics
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Noun
Why Is There So Much Sexy Overwatch Fan Art?
Cinema's greatest scene: 'Casablanca' and 'La Marseillaise'
Immigration in the United States visualized as rings of tree trunk
We Are All Social Democrats Now
Putting a Face (Mine) to the Risks Posed by GOP Games on Mueller Investigation
Cory Doctorow: Zuck's Empire of Oily Rags
We Should Try to Understand Even the People Who Hate Us
We Are Doomed, Yield Curve Edition
Fortnite rocket finally launches, results in sky splitting
Tucker Carlson Is Hurting America Again
Forty-Five Things I Learned in the Gulag
What Would a God of War That Explores West African or Aztec Mythologies Be Like?
Protest Isn't Civil
Terry Crews and the Discomfort of Masculine Anxiety
Trump Administration Issues Deportation Order for Von Trapp Family
Report: First Star Destroyer In Space Force To Be Named 'USS Civility'
Calling All Resistance Members! Roe V. Wade Is In DANGER! We Need YOU To Yell At JILL STEIN About The 2016 Election!
US Steel Is Not Opening Any New Plants
Just do your fucking job!
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Evolution
A pair of Asian chefs demonstrate the art of making noodles by hand
The Republicans Have Never Cared About Debt or the Deficit
The New Arms Race Threatening to Explode in Space
The Many Possible Meanings of the 'Masculinity Crisis'
Conservative Man Checks Ben Shapiro's Page To Find Out What Should Outrage Him Today
For the last time: Trump inherited a good economy, and he hasn't made it better
I've Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong.
Taken 4
Sick fantasies being used to justify real atrocities
Opinion: It's Important To Hear Blatant Lies From Both Sides Before Forming Your Opinion On Any Political Issue
It Can Definitely Happen Here
I am raising my daughter to speak three languages. A stranger demanded I 'speak English' to her
Ford's Factory Floor Exoskeleton Vest: 'Power Without Pain'
Trump is Putting White Supremacy on the Ballot This November
Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime
Here's to the Future Lifelong Unemployment of Kirstjen Nielsen
American Viewer Disgusted To See World Cup Teams Not Singing U.S. National Anthem Before Games
Chart of the Day: Blue-Collar Wages Are Down Under Trump
Maine voter survey shows RCV was easy to use
Crime Has Been Cut in Half Since 1991
Power Man and Iron Fist
Maine approves ranked choice voting, this time for keeps
Visual and Information Design In RPGs
Visual and Information Design In RPGs
A Look At Income Inequality Around the World: It's a Choice, Not a Destiny
Mr. Rogers's 9 Rules for Talking to Kids
New in Basecamp: See where projects really stand with the Hill Chart
Only 1 in 3 Americans Work Full Time
List: Revisions to The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness
You're Probably Not Red Teaming (And Usually I'm Not, Either) – SANS ICS Summit 2018
Vermont Residents Are Offering $20,000 to People Willing to Stay Out of State
Inconsolable Jeff Sessions Tries To Commit Suicide By Smoking Joint
The True Scope of the Disaster in Puerto Rico
Epic Games Releases More Enjoyable Countersuit Against PUBG Corp.
North Korea Breaking News
Landfill Capitalism: You only have two weeks to gather up all those free microcontrollers, servos and batteries that are littering the sidewalks of San Francisco!
Social Credit: Orwellian Nightmare, or "Crude Tool"?
What We Talk About When We Talk About Sanctuary Cities
What Really Happens in China's 'Re-education' Camps
Punk Eating Apple With Knife Obviously Has Story to Tell
Basic Income, Not Basic Jobs: Against Hijacking Utopia
Forget Norms. Our Democracy Depends On Values.
Don't fight for freedom
The Tyranny of False Civility
Landfill Capitalism: You only have two weeks to gather up all those free microcontrollers, servos and batteries that are littering the sidewalks of San Francisco!
Late Night Horrorshow Open Thread: Kicking Around the Sportsball… Players
We Don't have a Retirement Crisis. We Have a Young People Crisis.
Collusion Happened
Most Americans don't realize Robert Mueller's investigation has uncovered crimes
Trump's Business Schemes Warrant Their Own Investigation
With a Huge Assist From The Right-Wing Media, Trump's Strategy Could Work
In the Wake of the Latest School Shooting, Newspaper Headlines Need #MeToo
The 99% Is a Myth—Here's How It Breaks Down
"I Killed Them All." The Life Of One Of America's Bloodiest Hitmen
A year-by-year history of economic growth and pollution in the Roman Empire
The Honest Trailer for Black Panther Is Here, and Now I Have That Toto Song Stuck in My Head
"I am a very serious person"
Sean Hannity Failed to Tell His Viewers the Truth
Can you see the subtle difference between these two headlines?
The State of Cryptocurrency Mining
A Better Way to Look at Most Every Political Issue
The Free-Market Welfare State: Preserving dynamism in a volatile world
The Question of Cultural Appropriation
Quote of the Day: Republicans Have a "Nonwhite" Problem
Venue Opens Gender-Neutral Bathroom on Neighbor's Fence
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Dear God
Work Requirements for Medicaid Are Yesterday's Idea. We Can Do Better
Can We Help Save Democracy by Requiring Voters to Pass a Test of Political Knowledge?
Donald Trump's Most Tireless Toady Sinks Yet Another Notch Lower
Pick the Right Insurer and Your MRI Will Cost $500. Pick Wrong and It Will Cost $1,800.
Trump's Iran Deal Own Goal
inbox zero
The Big Lie
What Kind of God Is This?
Victims of Communism Day 2018
Stop Thinking Small. We Can Do Better Than a Jobs Guarantee.
VT Lawmakers Abandon Roadside Saliva Test in Favor of Stool Samples
Let's Not Celebrate the 3.9% Unemployment Rate
For a Healthy Nationalism, We Should Focus on Representation
dreams why worry
The Curse of Konzo
Motorcycle hand signals
Did Trump's "Maximum Pressure" Bring North Korea to the Table?
Why Democracy Doesn't Deliver
Preventing, Not Just Countering, Violent Extremism
A Slippery Slope: Could Bill Cosby's Conviction Lead To A Mob Mentality Where Society Wantonly Punishes Any Serial Rapist After Decades Of Inaction?
Conservatives Urge Nation Never To Listen To Rich, Out-Of-Touch Celebrities Unless They Say Conservative Things
America's Prison System is a Moral Abomination
Kansas locked up more than 5,000 women and girls for having STDs
We Don't Have Elections
The Chinese Communist Party Is Setting Up Cells at Universities Across America
Why China's New Dystopian Social Credit Score is So Popular
Closing the racial wealth gap: debunking 10 common myths
It's True
Trump Admitted That Firing Rosenstein or Mueller Would Be Obstruction
"39 Minutes": The Comey Memos Leak
The Bad Arguments for Trump's Terrible Nominee for State
#1393; In which the Floor is open
If We Had a Liberal Media We Wouldn't Have Had a Paul Ryan
Trump Throws UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Under the Bus
Lawsplainer: Michael Cohen's Attempt To Delay The Stormy Daniels Litigation
Beyond the Pee Tape, What the Steele Dossier Got Right
The Meat Industry and Exploited Undocumented Labor
A Balanced Budget Amendment Takes a Good Idea and Stands it on its Head
The Principle of Professional Law Enforcement Is Now on the Line
The Falsity of the Sanders Venezuela Meme
JSON-LD and Why I Hate the Semantic Web
The Mirage of 'Full Employment'
Is It Ethical To Work In The Firearms Industry?
James Comey Is No Hero
Thinking about Software Architecture & Design : Part 1
Vermont Landscape Painters Seek Clarification as to Whether We Are at War
Online Dinner Recipe a Fucking Novel for Some Reason
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Moneybattle
Maine's Fitful Experiment With a New Way of Voting
#1380; A Circus made by Circumstance
What It Means That Trump Is "Only A Subject"
CBO Projects $1.5 Trillion Trump Tax Cut Will Cost $1.9 Trillion
They hate teachers too
Some Notes on Federal Job Guarantee Proposals
Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong
Real Talk about School Shootings
The ISIS Files: When Terrorists Run City Hall
The Horror of Trump's America
Conservatives have no solution for the increasingly bleak economics of raising kids
Life Inside China's Social Credit Laboratory
Corrupt all the way down
How 12 experts would end inequality if they ran America
Fifty-Six Questions for Young MC Upon Heaing "Bust a Move" for the First Time in Twenty-Two Years
Fifty-Six Questions for Young MC Upon Heaing "Bust a Move" for the First Time in Twenty-Two Years
What It Means That Trump Is "Only A Subject"
Trump on trade war with China: "When you're already $500 Billion DOWN, you can't lose!"
When Terrorists and Criminals Govern Better Than Governments
Another Softball Interview with Mohammed bin Salman
No One Is Saying That
Atlanta Charter School Apologizes for 2nd Grade Blackface Show in the Year of Our Lord 2018
I met a Demon City PC today
It's World Backup Day: Here's How the ExtremeTech Staff Stays Backed Up
Charts of the Day: The Banking Industry Ten Years After the Crash
Everybody Has Their Price
Twitter Nukes American Attorney's Tweet About Unflattering Depiction Of Turkish President
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Monkey
List: Things I've Said to My Husband During Sex or to My Teenage Daughter While Teaching Her to Drive?
Fortnite Mobile Game Eliminates All Other Apps From Phone, Claims Victory Royale
I'm Reserving Judgment on Gun Control Until I Hear What RoastedLibtards.USA Has to Say
Are the Parties Dying?
Federally Guaranteed Employment Can Be Politically Popular
John Bolton: Dog Of War
Teenagers Have Become Lovely Human Beings. But Why?
Attacking The Troops To Own The Libs
The Good News About John Bolton
Bannon's Bag Men
Introducing Virtual WearablesAnother update from Keiichi Matsuda...
The John Bolton I Knew
Wow! The House From 'Full House' is Totally Hot Now
Dowd And Out
The Cambridge Analytica Con
Russian Court Says Telegram Must Hand Over Encryption Keys To State Intelligence Service
John Oliver on Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency
Just a Reminder
if you like smiles like a breath of spring then get a load of ME
never seen one
The Farrakhan Conundrum
Republican Tax Cut Still Not Spurring Capital Investment
Worse Than a Liar
Will Employment Keep Growing? Disabled Workers Offer a Clue
Cosmic Backyard
Americans Love Torture
Donald Trump Boasts About Being an Idiot in Talks With Canada
Donald Trump Is Finally Close to Firing One of His Imaginary Enemies
Everybody's Lying About the Link Between Gun Ownership and Homicide
The Nordic Myths That Never Seem to Die
buy it today
Kate Manne: The Shock Collar That Is Misogyny
The Grim Conclusions of the Largest-Ever Study of Fake News
having fun
It's Time for Drag Race to Move Past the Binary
How Capitalist Is Singapore Really?
Precise Slice
Santa Fe's 1st RCV election: clear outcomes, effective new ballot use
Intersectionality Is Not the Problem
A Summer Vacation in China's Muslim Gulag
String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?
Trump Thinks Having a President-for-Life Would Be Great
Jenga and the Meaning of Life
How Trump Makes the Big Decisions
The Parallax ViewProject from Peder Norrby is an IphoneX visual...
Sensitive Words: Emperor Xi Jinping to Ascend His Throne
Your gun control ideas won't work. This one will.
Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud?
The Second Amendment Is an Anachronism
Violent Video Games Argument Receives HD Remaster
Here's Why People Are Working Less
Teenagers Are Pretty Awesome These Days
Arming Educators Violates the Spirit of the Second Amendment
True Ally? This Male Feminist Only Takes Credit For His MALE Coworkers' Ideas
Are voting-machine modems truly divorced from the Internet?
The Tragedy of Erik Killmonger
Abolish ICE Now
2018 CVE List
Matt Christman: The Failure of The Weathermen, The Eighteenth Brumaire, & Americans as Pringles
neontaster ? on Twitter
I Don't See Color, but I Refuse to Let a Physical Limitation Stop Me from Being Racist
No You're The Mark
A Cure for Mass Shootings Doesn't Exist
A Tale of Three Tweets
Sex, Pong, And Pioneers: What Atari Was Really Like, According To Women Who Were There
The Tyranny of Convenience
I Don't Owe You This Explanation of How I Use My Food Stamps
Mueller's Message to America
The Persistence of Tyranny
I haven't TECHNICALLY calculated the actual force of the explosion, BUT, I also haven't specified what kind of atomic bombs we're comparing against. Maybe they're really wimpy bombs, or super good ones. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY, and therefore impossible to prove me wrong??
Comic: Half-Life
Case Nightmare Buttcoin
Considerations On Cost Disease
How the Fake News Crisis of 1896 Explains Trump
Life in Soft Authoritarian Regimes
I Refuse to Believe This Character Made of Ice Could Be Gay
The Senate Budget Deal Proves Republicans Love Government Spending
No, the IRS Did Not Target Conservatives for Persecution
The Shame of Devin Nunes
Raw Data: Inflation Rate for Different Products
comix 4 adults
Dermatologists Hate Her! This Woman Is Really Mean to Dermatologists
Hungary and Poland Aren't Democratic. They're Authoritarian.
He Dares Call It Treason
Trump's Bigly Lie that He'll Make America's Immigration System More Merit-Based Like Canada's
Actions Have Consequences, Plague Prevention Edition
#1376; In which Much is read
The Drum Major Instinct
America Will Not Stop Until Martin Luther King Jr. Is Completely Rebranded as a Slice of Avocado Toast
The Curious Case of Trey Gowdy's Retirement
Fundamental imbalance by @BloggersRUs
The Harm Releasing the Nunes Memo Caused
In Shocker, Deficit Explodes Yet Again Under Republican Rule
An Updated Lead-Crime Roundup for 2018
When the Constitution Was 'At War With Itself,' Frederick Douglass Fought on the Side of Freedom
Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter
High spenders and meteors
The Trey Gowdy Retirement
This Package Is Arriving At Our Home And We're HERE For It
Restrictionists Are Misleading You About Immigrant Crime Rates
Emergency Alerts I'd Like to Receive
Boom! Lawyered: Immigrants' Constitutional Rights Edition
The genius physical comedy of Mr. Bean
The Nunes Memo Will Soon Be a Harvard Business School Case Study
As a Dead Kennedys Fan I Have Some Strong Political Opinions That Stop in the mid 80s
Stay Klassy, Bezos.
The Gun Control We Deserve
A New Reality? The Far Right's Use of Cyberharassment against Academics
Trust Is Collapsing in America
Why Can't People Hear What Jordan Peterson Is Saying?
On Seriously Rethinking the Digital Economy
Where Do I Store His Binky
The Trump Aristocrats
The End of the Rainbow
Telltale Announces Black Mirror Game That Lets You Control How Depressed You Get
Lights Come On At Post-Maria Puerto Rico School, Glorious Pandemonium Results
BlackRock's Message: Contribute to Society, or Risk Losing Our Support
Gov. Scott Celebrates MLK Day By Announcing a New Prison
Small Business Promotion Is Mostly A Bad Idea
How to Be Encouraging When Your Friend Just Discovered Doges
the thing: CONTROVERSIAL??
"Shithole Countries" Is All About Political Correctness
How Haiti became poor
From VICE News Tonight and HBO, an up-close look at the terrorism in Charlottesville
Fighting authoritarianism: 20 lessons from the 20th century
Stop using Facebook and start using your browser
Losing Control of the American Fear Machine
Trump's Remarkable Immigration Meeting
Jeff Bezos Announces Plan to Just Beat the Shit out of Small Business Owners
Tucker Carlson is Right. I Hate White People, and Here's 20 Things I Do to Keep That Hate Alive.
It's happening here
Bannon Banished for Telling Truths About Trump as MAGA Monsters Turn on Each Other
Occupational licensing locks too many Americans out of the job market
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Browser History
Health Care Costs Are Under Control, But the Industry Still Gets Its $1 Trillion Bonus Every Year
rip the "my new years resolution is [whatever resolution your screen is at]" joke, it died in 2017, it's dead now and nobody can use it ever again, sorry but that's just how death works
NATO Defense Spending Started Increasing Three Years Ago
It's Time: Break Up Big Tech
Matt Stoller: "Monopoly is a Form of Lawlessness"
Three Days That Will Change Iran Forever
Persecution in Xinjiang Leads Some to Militancy
74 Things That Blew Our Minds in 2017
Fact Checkers Are Low-Balling Trump's Lie Rate
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Old Days
FCC Announces National Roll Out Of Amber Alerts But For Cops
Donald Trump Did Not Play Golf This Week
Relationship milestones.
Bitcoin and the bandits: how Wall Street captured the Occupy of money
Internet shutdowns: the "new normal" in government repression?
Capital: A new ownership agenda
If You Live in a Red State, the Trump Administration Wants to Steal Your Tips
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Healthcare
From an Ex-Neoliberal: Why Ta-Nehisi Coates Keeps Talking About White Supremacy
Six Things You Might Not Know About the Republican Tax Bill
The United States of America Is Decadent and Depraved
Lt. Governor Dave Zuckerman Steps Down Amid Allegations of Star Wars Spoilers
Bitcoin Is a Lousy Form of Money
In China, a Three-Digit Score Could Dictate Your Place in Society
The Ultimate Problem With Libertarian Populism
Are Private Schools Immoral?
U.S. lawmakers are redistributing income from the poor to the rich, according to massive new study
The pizza metaphor of net neutrality
Black Thought's ten-minute freestyle
Sun Tzu: The Art of the War On Christmas
The Science of Star Wars Weaponry - Issue 55: Trust
The Taste of Crow: Okay, I'm Alarmed Now
Ajit Pai's Big Lie
A Bit about Dossiers: You've Been Eating this FUD for Years
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Healthcare
Self-Driving Car Milestones
Time Person of the Year Awarded to "Rocket League" Teammate Who Scored Goal on Purpose
Thanks to Republicans, We No Longer Have to Worry About the National Debt
George Soros and the Demonization of Philanthropy
Five Questions for Alan Dershowitz on the Criminalization of Political Differences
Twitter Is Sharing Tales of Badass Women from History Who Should All Have Biopics By Now
Trump Had a Racist Meltdown, Some Say
7 Major Experiments That Still Haven't Found What They're Looking For - Facts So Romantic
Men Are Better At Maps Until Women Take This Course - Issue 54: The Unspoken
Vermonters No Longer Required to Pay Federal Taxes
Minitrue: Promote Policeman's View on Kindergarten Scandal
What you have a right to expect by @BloggersRUs
Bert's Shirt Shop
The Problem(s) With Joyner Lucas' 'I'm Not Racist,' Explained
Chart of the Day: The US Economy Has Finally Caught Up
Trump: The Long Emergency
The Bad Faith of James O'Keefe
Warren's Unforgivable Sin
Late Night Horrorshow Open Thread: "Living in the Awful Parts of the Past"
But Wait: Do We Really CONSUME Media?
What Does The Stock Market Do For Workers' Wages? Nothing
Right-Wing Pastor Blames Obama and BLM for White Supremacism
Index Funds Are A Proof Of Concept For Market Socialism
At Last, A Big, Successful Trial of Probiotics
War As Culture War
No boundaries: Exfiltration of personal data by session-replay scripts
Death by Derivatives
Please Cut the Crap About Red States Subsidizing Blue States
"I Am Sick And Tired Of People Saying That Utah Does Not Share A Border With Belgium"
Uranium scandal 101
A Moment of PAWS
ares and sera never actually got started on their adventures on account of this ice cream / heated slurry thing, and it's too bad, because they were going to be both numerous AND interesting
Atlas Murderbot can do goddamned backflips now
Injustice 2 DLC Finally Lets You Punch Zack Snyder
Weird UBI Argument About Rents
Voight Kampff
Why Black Men Love Dragon Ball Z
Minitrue: Trump's China Visit, Delhi Air, Daycare Abuse
How Breitbart Destroyed Andrew Breitbart's Legacy
Trump's Fantasy Capitalism
Veterans Day 2017
Inside America's Largest Right Wing Militia
La. Court Rules That Man Who Said 'Give Me a Lawyer, Dog' Wasn't Asking for Counsel
The Cutthroat World of Capitalist Reality TV
Danica and the Dragon
Behold the Donald Trump Golf Course Tax Deduction
We Need a New Word for the Trump White House
Unlike Single Payer, Obamacare's Design Neglects Black People
Take Me to Our "Moral Leader"!
The Media Can't Quit Chasing Republican Snipe Hunts
The (Ir)relevance of the Trump "Dossier"
A Dummy's Guide To Chicago Gun Violence From Somebody Who Lives There
New Farming Simulator Pays You Subsidies to Not Play
The Doom Loop of Modern Liberalism
Single Payer Myths: Removing People From Employer Plans
The NFL Protests Are a Perfect Study of How White Supremacy Works
What We Can Learn From What Trump Does and Doesn't Know
Benjamin Franklin and the Prayer That Didn't Happen
The Boomtown That Shouldn't Exist
Rachel Maddow Is Wrong: There is No Connection Between Chad's Withdrawal of Forces in West Africa and the Ambush on 3rd Special Forces Group and Nigerien Soldiers
Wisconsin Shows How To Do Voter Suppression Right
Trump Has a New Talking Point on Health Care: Block Grants
The Populist Right Tears Down a Press It Can't Replace
The Marriage of Violence and Masculinity: Todd Starnes and the Values Voter Summit
The Decline of Manufacturing Has Not Turned America Into a Hellhole
A Tax Proposal That Could Lift Millions Out of Poverty
The Problem Defining Gerrymandering And What Can Be Done
How Trump Stole the Soul of the Values Voter Summit
Mayim Bialik's Tone-Deaf Op-Ed Is a Reminder That Calling Yourself a Feminist Isn't Enough
Post-Redistribution Liberalism
James Van Der Beek Opens Up About Experiencing Sexual Harassment from "Older, Powerful Men"
Without the Family Car Black Wealth Barely Exists
Visualizing nonlinear stories
The FBI's New U.S. Terrorist Threat: 'Black Identity Extremists'
After Four Years, IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting of Tea Party Groups
New Report: Trump Is Planning to Decertify Iran Deal
When American Adherence to the Death Penalty Gets in the Way of International Human Rights
A Nation of Snowflakes
The Dubious Defense of the Jones Act
Zucktown, USA
The Real Problem: The Militarization of the NFL
Yes, NFL Viewership Is Down. No, It's Not All Trump.
Saving the World From the Code Apocalypse
The Dangerous Misunderstanding at the Core of the North Korea Debate
Progressive Piety and Conservative Politics: On Kaepernick, Tebow, and American Christianity
The Political Philosophy of "Fire or suspend!"
Disconnected by Disaster—Photos From a Battered Puerto Rico (35 photos)
Existential Ad Agency
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Lemonade
It's Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers
Bitcoin is fiat money, too
CCleaner Hack May Have Been A State-Sponsored Attack On 18 Major Tech Companies
Quick Takes: How Do You Buy a Vote to Repeal Obamacare?
Who Is Telling the Truth About Pre-Existing Conditions?
Disable Apple's "Find My Device" to Stop Hackers From Ransoming Your Mac or iPhone
Trump Has Filled, Not Drained, the Swamp
Single Payer Myths: Understanding Labor Turnover
Please Stop Calling Sanders' Health Care Plan 'Single Payer'
Insane Clown Posse March Boycotted By Intersectional Juggalos
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AI
Gamers Furious as Arcade Machine Introduces 25 Cent Microtransactions
How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AAAAH
House votes to curb asset forfeiture
It's Time to Regulate the Hell Out of Credit Reporting Agencies
actually doing the hobby
One moment on '60 Minutes' made it perfectly clear how Steve Bannon fools so many people
Here's Why I Hate Credit Reporting Agencies — And Why You Should Too
Introducing "New Media Organization," Your Source For Political News That Validates My Worldview
Who Was Poor In 2016 And Why Our System Keeps Failing Them
The Christian Hagiography of Robert E. Lee Endorsed by James Dobson and Tim LaHaye
The RINO Hunters Become the Hunted
Yes, I'm Sure I Want Single Payer
Conservatives: Hurricane Heroism Disproves Racism
The First White President
Literally everyone should be thinking about suing Equifax
Why RSS Feeds Still Beat Facebook and Twitter for Tracking News
What Really Happened at the White House Yesterday
Haley's Risible Revisionism on the Nuclear Deal
a small pox on both your houses
Whose is in the left out 10%?
I Was a Mercenary. Trust Me: Erik Prince's Plan Is Garbage.
The Worst Best Firefighter
RT @Kevin_Church: We've reached an era where Deadpool 2099 is hyper-relevant. http://pic.twitter.com/OKoeja0PJ0
Paul Ryan's postcard tax return is really dumb
LaunchOptical illusion by Akiyoshi Kitaoka that appears to...
They Haven't Been Able to Destroy Obamacare…Yet
Why Not Pay Women to Stay Home, Raise Children?
Is Anybody Home at Ben Carson's HUD?
The Horrifying, Indefensible War on Yemen
The Alt-Left's Radical Agenda
The Revealing Myth of Pershing and the Pigs' Blood
Popper and the Paradox of Tolerance
Un-American activities
Juror No. 77: You'd Have To Convince Me He Was Innocent Rather Than Guilty
Do You Believe the Eclipse Is Going to Happen?
Trump Promises Charlottesville 5 New Dog Whistle Factories by 2020
What Trump Gets Wrong About Antifa
Why slippery slope arguments should not stop us from removing Confederate monuments
The Real Story Behind All Those Confederate Statues
Advice For White Men When Talking About Racism and Sexism
White Supremacy Is the Opioid That's Destroying America
Local Creep Way Too Supportive of Lesbian Lifestyle
Chart of the Day: Tax Rates on the Rich and the Rest of Us
Massive Rise Of Top Incomes Is Mostly Driven By Capital
The most annoying thing about James Damore's diversity 'manifesto' is the logical fallacy at the heart of it
Is the United States an Oligarchy?
Does The Dutch Healthcare System Show The Way?
Employer-Sponsored Insurance Rips People's Insurance Away
The Lost History of an American Coup D'État
The Success Sequence Is About Cultural Beefs, Not Poverty
The Welfare State Should Be More Than Just A Safety Net
For the last time, Trump hasn't made the economy any better
tech tips computer angry
The Three Paradoxes Disrupting American Politics
Robert Mueller's Grand Jury and the Significance of Felix Sater
in a few years i may regret my use of the non-unproblematic slur "insane-os" and would like to apologize in advance to all insane-os
10 Things White People Don't Really Seem To Give A Fuck About
When You Have to Tell Your Readers Not to Beat Their Wives…
Trump is right about this: Americans need to move where the jobs are
Couple Builds Solar Panel in Backyard, Ending Vermont Tourism
Grateful Dead Fan Sends Women Unsolicited Dick's Picks
There is no such thing as redistribution – MattBruenig | Politics
The 10 Challenges Republicans Now Face
Just When You Thought The Gun Industry Couldn't Get More Cringey
How the climate crisis could become a food crisis overnight
no jason it wasnt
The Conservative Case for Universal Healthcare
The Challenges of Running to Be the First Muslim Governor
Trump's Mistake at the Boy Scout Jamboree
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Hey Kid!
raise your hand if you've ever wanted to live on another world! no wait, sorry for being so dated. LIKE AND SHARE IF YOU'VE EVER WANTED TO LIVE ON ANOTHER WORLD
Of Course HBO Greenlit "Confederate" Because White Guys Get Funding For Every Idea (Even Bad Ones)
prostheticknowledge: Example-Based Synthesis of Stylized Facial...
Democrats, Not Republicans, Stand for "Freedom" in Health Care
I Want To Take The Great American Roadtrip Through The Heartland, But I'm Scared Because I'm, You Know, Black
New Subscription Box Service Comes Filled with Other Subscription Boxes
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Monism
Mass Unemployment Will Start Around 2025
This Guy Made a Fully Functioning Computer in Minecraft That Blocks @notch on Twitter
The Parmelee Post: Vermont Socialist Gets Equal Share of Credit for Wife's Career
In Horrific Interview, Chechen President Says Gay Men Are "Not People" And Don't Exist in Chechnya
The 'Worst Deal Ever' That Actually Wasn't
What's Actually Wrong With the U.S. Health System
"Education is the only tool to reduce poverty and inequality"
Every Seven Years
McAllister Convicted, Shuts Down Popular "Farm-to-Bed" Operation
Greeting Cards for Your Online Trolls
Trump told us exactly who he was
Particle Properties
CÜCK – The New Furniture Assembly Service From Ikea
Paying to prep for end of life
Congress Bedazzled by Plane That Can't Get off the Ground
Are We as Doomed as That New York Magazine Article Says?
Science Fiction's Under-Appreciated Feminist Icon
CNN, Doxing, And A Few Ways In Which We Are Full of Shit As A Political Culture
WWII Board Game Rules More Complicated Than Actual Reasons For WWII
Apostasy in the provinces by @BloggersRUs
Medical Care Bargain Hunting With Bret Stephens
How the Southern Poverty Law Center Enraged Nominal Conservatives Into Betraying Free Speech Values
Should Journalists Have the Right to Be Wrong?
List: Responsible Band Names
Supreme Court refuses to hear right-to-carry-guns case, Justices Thomas and Gorsuch say there is such a right
Do Fascists and Marxists Actually Exist?
THIS is actually fake news. Seriously fake. Totally.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Power
Tone Policing: It's A Nice Racket
#1322; The Hard Limit of Outrage
How many people will Obamacare and AHCA kill?
$15 Minimum Wage in Seattle Working Fine So Far
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Geopolitics
How Congress Failed to Plan for Doomsday
Crying "Coup," Red and Blue
Minitel, the Open Network Before the Internet
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous
Today in American Fascist Ethnic Cleansing
Here's a Very Powerful Study That Bolsters the Lead-Crime Hypothesis
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Solo
The Second Amendment protects some bladed weapons, and not just firearms
it's easy if you try
Where You Came From
In Which I Waste a Lot of Time on Climate Change Yahooism
Income Stagnation Has Hit the Young Harder Than the Old
Bail Out
Lying is company policy by @BloggersRUs
Hacker, Hack Thyself
State Word Map
On the Mood Among My Former Colleagues at the FBI
Trump Considers Undoing Obama's Opening to Cuba
Evangelicals: "Moral Relativism Is Dead"
What Xi Jinping Wants
'It's Called a RompHIM,' Says Guy Who Still Won't Use Your Correct Pronouns
two economists ask teachers to behave as irrational actors
Trump Just Handed the Reins of Global Leadership to Russia and China
Shit People
What Do Millennials Spend All Their Money On?
The Power of Predictable Paychecks
How Far Should Societies Go to Prevent Terror Attacks?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - You Too
American Health Care Is Expensive. It Will Take Years to Change That.
The Atomic Bomb Considered As Hungarian High School Science Fair Project
The People Left Behind When Only the 'Deserving' Poor Get Help
The Path to Universal Healthcare I: Let's Clarify Our Terms
Remember All Those Carrier Jobs Trump Bragged About Saving?
Quick Takes: Twenty-Three Million Would Lose Health Insurance Under AHCA
Single Payer Payroll Taxes
Class Struggle Still Gets the Goods
Trump's Budget Scam
The White Nationalist Appeal of Trump's Budget
California's Surprisingly Cheap Single Payer Plan
Health Insurance Is Not Insurance
Trump isn't a toddler — he's a product of America's culture of impunity for the rich
Biodefense: Coordinating Our Response to Deadly Disease
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Phone Sex
Charles Murray Still Convinced That Whites Are Smarter Than Blacks
All This Impeachment Talk Is Pure Trump Derangement Syndrome
Government Can't Even Plan for Its Own Survival
The World's Worst Negotiation
Household Debt Has Not Set a New Record
Fact-Checking Your Facebook Status Updates
PatriotHole: Nation Under Siege: Berkeley Scientists Have Engineered An Unstoppable Mecha-'Dreamer' Capable Of Stealing 6 Jobs At Once
An 'Arab NATO' Is a Lousy Idea
List: 11 Beers You Must Drink Before You Die
Silicon Valley: A Reality Check
Five Reasons the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate
#1310; Ten Chances to Cash In
Trump's Embrace of the Bubble
Randazza: 400,000 Reasons to be a Good Little Pet
Terrorists Vs. Chairs: An Outlier Story
Two Tyrannies: State and Society
Benny Hinn, Religious Fraud?
Welfare Utopia
why would school choice improve outcomes?
Artisanal Post-Etsy Forest-to-Coffee-Table Coasters for Sale. Artist's Wood Story Notes Included
Distressed Fyre Festival Attendees on Beach Spell Out "SEND VIP BRUNCH" with Rocks
Escaping Poverty Requires Almost 20 Years With Nearly Nothing Going Wrong
Is Singapore's "miracle" health care system the answer for America?
The Privilege of Buying 36 Rolls of Toilet Paper at Once
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Dungeon Classes
No, Gov. Dean, Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire does not recognize a "hate speech" exception
Said one high schooler to the other...
is this what it's like to hang out with me? why didn't anyone SAY anything??
The Seductive Appeal of the "Nazi Exception"
It all started in a virtual beer hall
#1304; An Endless Parade of Health
The Push to Ban Arabic Sermons in Europe's Mosques
Welfare for Everyone
Love in the Time of Cryptography
The Baleful Consequences of the Libyan War
There's More to "Improper Payments" Than Meets the Eye
whoah this comic really did a... number on me
Minitrue: Delete Information on Sichuan Student's Death
The #PepsiLivesMatter Ad Turning A Protest March Into Coachella Is Exactly Why White People Must Be Stopped
Lawsplainer: How The Seventh Circuit Decided That Sexual Orientation Discrimination Violates Federal Law
Are Consumer Movements Inherently Neoliberal?
These 11 Habits of Highly Creative People Will Change the Way You Work - I never guessed.
What does lying politicians have in common with rainbow colors?
Keep an eye on Cassidy
Toward A Global Norm Against Manipulating the Integrity of Financial Data
Three Rival Humanisms
The Reach of ISIS's Virtual Entrepreneurs into the United States
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Monastic
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Monastic
Let's call them 'constitutional cities,' not 'sanctuary cities,' okay?
The Obvious Value of Communication is Perhaps Not So Obvious
Today in CV-Dazzle: Universal Adversarial Perturbations
The Heritage Plan *Was* the Conservative Alternative to the ACA. It Was Much Worse Than the AHCA.
The Republican Waterloo
THE UGLY DUCKLING: a parable of bullying, forgiveness, and finally, vigilante justice by dinosaurs. JUST AS HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN INTENDED
#948; The Ceaseless Onslaught
Trump: When the President Says It, That Means It's True
Why do we insist on addressing the "root causes" of violence?
force-2187: savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: Teaching To...
The Great Meals on Wheels Debacle, Explained
Steve King Thinks I'm a Threat to American Civilization
"Get Out" And 10 More Films About The Existential Terror Of Existing While Black In America
If Jason Chaffetz wants to compare healthcare to iPhones, let's do it the right way
"A panicked billionaire's latest sophomoric attempt to decorate an unpalatable business model grounded in the abuse of human rights with faux moral purpose to stave off regulation."
What Millions on Welfare?
#1297; In which Trails are blazed
Kierkegaard Relates to the Common Man
A Modest Proposal: Ban the Interstate Travel of Kansans
On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America's New Right
The Need to Make Big Business Less Big
Everyone Is Wrong About Milo And CPAC
Speaker Ryan's Use of Reporters' Recorders to Explain His Border Tax Was Cute — But Misleading
Why liberals should own guns
Violent Crime Peaked In Britain in 2006 Because....
Whitehouse.gov to Build Paywall
savedbythe-bellhooks:Source: Talking Back: Thinking Feminist,...
An Unfortunate Shift in U.S. Policy on Israel and Palestine
Bannon in Washington: A Report on the Incompetence of Evil
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Question of Terrorism
Method agnosticism and funding
How to Spot Visualization Lies
They, the People
Emergency Preparedness Amongst the Liberal Elite
The Republican Carbon Tax Is Republican, Say Republicans
It's Not Foreigners Who are Plotting Here: What the Data Really Show
#1291; The Budget Traveler
Comments: Another Solid Employment Report
and now it's time to do the real work
Does Steve Bannon's Role on the Principals Committee Require Senate Confirmation?
Trump and the Dissent Channel
Randazza: What Shall We Do With the Dago?
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: bell hooks' 2010 lecture at the...
It's got what cows crave.
The new colossus, cont'd
I Went Through America's Extreme Vetting
Trump's infrastructure tolls for thee by @BloggersRUs
Should the Muslim Brotherhood be Designated a Terrorist Organization?
Randazza: Maybe the Press Should Listen to Steve Bannon
President Trump's Insecure Android
Guide to Trump's Executive Order to Limit Migration for "National Security" Reasons
This Stat Will Make Your EPOP
The U.S. Shouldn't Label the Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorists
The Dangerous Delusion of 'We Should've Kept the Oil'
Why Iraq Needs the Oil
Russia Arrests Top Kaspersky Hacking Investigator for Treason
At Today's White House Press Conference, the First Question Came From an Actual Fake News Site - Yes, you should be angry.
The Postmodern Presidency
Why is the White House Characterizing the Political Opinions of Career CIA Employees?
What Does It Take for the Press to Call a Lie a Lie?
It takes a nation of millions
InfoWars Announces New Line of Public School Textbooks
It Doesn't Matter
On Punching Nazis
yourshipsaregross: refinery29: Ashley Judd just gave the most...
This Popular Anime Selfies App Is 'Crapware' That Collects Private Data
How To Read News Like A Search Warrant Application
Bears are No Joke
Source: Understanding Patriarchy by bell hooks
Donald Trump Says '96 Million' Are Looking for Work
Don't Talk About What Trump Wants You To Talk About
Security Culture Is Good
On Digital Minimalism
Team Chat
PSA: It's January. Have you done your off-site backup yet?
I Guess We're Just Not Going to Make a Fuss About That.
Some thoughts on UBI, jobs, and dignity
Secret Iranian influence in the U.S. Constitution!
Trump Is Calling His American Opponents "Enemies" While Praising Putin
Our Discourse on Israel is Stupid
From Tape Drives to Memory Orbs, the Data Formats of Star Wars Suck (Spoilers)
On Spidergoat Economics (or Weird Scarcity)
a norm of free expression, on campus or elsewhere, is good, that's my thoughts
#1279; That Which Comes to Pass
The best media corrections of 2016
The Map of Physics
A Reminder of the Heartlessness at the Root of Republican Politics
From Our Colleagues at the New York Times
Li Guoqing: Who Says China Isn't a Market Economy?
The best media corrections of 2016
Mapping the Internet Was Really Easy in 1973
The North Carolina Semi-Coup
Originalism and the electoral-college conundrum
Black Republicans and White Republicans Disagree About Bias in the Justice System
No, All the New Jobs Have Not Passed Whites By
A false dichotomy
Larry Kudlow is usually wrong
Mass Deportations will make Peter Thiel even richer
Today Is Bill of Rights Day
Trump's Team Doesn't Seem to Know Which Agency Is Responsible for Nuclear Security
The Solar Industry Has Paid Off Its Carbon Debts
No, Medicare Recipients Haven't 'Earned' All Their Benefits
Anti-Gun Hysteria Is Hazardous to Your Health
Is Twitter a dystopian technology?
Translation: Game Developers Lament Censors' Demands
Trump Still Blowing Off Intelligence Briefings
Prediction: Terrorism in the Middle East Will Decline By Half Between 2020 and 2040
Napoleon's furry name is clearly "Napoleon BONEapart". It's also his skeleton name. And his name when he's transformed into a dog. Just a great name over here.
UI Change
Fuck You and Your "Democrats Have to End Identity Politics to Win" Bullshit
AT&T Just Showed Us What The Death Of Net Neutrality Is Going To Look Like
Will the Press Turn its Head to the Cold Light of Day?
Lawsplainer: Why Flag Burning Matters, And How It Relates To Crush Videos
Castro is Dead. So What?
Gracias por estar aquí
The Map of Physics
So, Why Can't You Call Taiwan?
Trump's Major Taiwan Blunder
Anyone Care About Civilian Control of the Military?
Lawsplainer: Why Flag Burning Matters, And How It Relates To Crush Videos
Dear Dr. B: What is emergent gravity?
Confessions of a Progressive Gun Nut
you have to do this work
They've decided to kill us slowly
That Time I Almost Stabbed A Couple Rednecks Who Saw My Headwrap And Assumed I Was Muslim
Trump Needs To Take The VA Secretary Job Seriously
*bangs desk with expert finesse* controversial opinion time controveRSIAL OPINION TIME
List: Two Truths and a Lie: Trump Edition
Trump Appoints Your 8th Grade Bully Secretary of Defense
Castro is Dead. So What?
Gaslight Anthems
Federalism, the Constitution, and sanctuary cities
Should the Electors Choose Trump?
Five Economic Reasons to be Thankful
Apolitical Arguments for the Thanksgiving Table
Those Anti-American, Anti-God, Anti-Morality Liberals Are Such Snobs
Some earlyThoughts on the Impact of the Trump Economic Policies
List: Fiona Apple's Discography Ranked in Order of Password Strength
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Rubber Duck Method
The 'iTunes of Blowjobs' Launched Today
Yellen: Rate Hike "appropriate relatively soon"
The political economy of Health Savings Accounts
Gracias por estar aquí
A Lead-Crime Study Passes the Gelman Test
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - One Wish
here is a comic about computers to read on your computers
The Trump break point
Why Some Intellectuals Are Breaking for Trump
Is Trump Taking Us Down the Path to a Banana Republic?
Why I Insist on Voting for Hillary Clinton
Cat Philosophy
Common Myths About Marijuana Legalization
The Hawkish Fantasy of an Iranian 'Empire'
The plot against America, con't
The Roots of Route 66
Rights Are Bundled, Not A La Carte
hitting you with my broom
The Great Pundit Purge
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Excuse Me, Sir
Anthony Weiner Could Finally Blow the Lid Off Hillary's Secret Ties to Mossad, the Rothschilds, Body Doubles, Chemtrails and Scalia's Assassination!
The Bad, Lopsided U.S.-Saudi Relationship
"How do I protect myself if Trump is elected?"
Mimi Choi
Are Your Facebook "Friends" Informing On You for the Illuminati?
Republican Insurgency Threatens the Functioning of the Supreme Court
This Is Why You Should Take Lithium-Ion Battery Fires Very, Very Seriously
The Sun's Motion Reflected in the Universe
What Is/Isn't Driving the Obamacare Premium Increases
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Dentistry
When the Government Makes a Promise, It Must Keep Its Word
Lawsplainer: The Ninth Circuit and Compelled Speech About Abortion
The Anticonservative Attacks on Our Election System
Mafia III Is Probably The Blackest Video Game Ever Made
How the Web Became Unreadable
What we can learn from one of the biggest mysteries — and misunderstandings — of the American Revolution
In the Age of Trump, No Wonder Republicans Miss William F. Buckley
Donald Glover Is Going to Be Young Lando in the Han Solo Movie
O Ye Men Of Intemperate Minds
Dynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid...
If Mitt Romney's A 'Choker,' What's Donald Trump?
When My Grandkids Ask Me What I Did to Fight American Fascism, I'll Proudly Tell Them I Tweeted a Few Times
MIT's Fusion Reactor Broke a World Record Right Before the Feds Shut It Off
Obama Has a Plan to Save Us From Space Storms
Originalists against Trump
No, it is not illegal to read Wikileaks
Why Doctors Without Borders Refused a Million Free Vaccines
More Hardball Debate Questions
Hillary Clinton, the Sixth Amendment, and Legal Ethics
Does Mad Socialist Bernie Sanders Secretly Control the Weather?
Trump's Promise to Jail Clinton Is a Threat to American Democracy
Bill O'Reilly's Ugly Carnival
Searching for "finally got my Emacs setup just how I like it" yields excellent results.
Ostrander, An Early Frost
How to Crash Systemd in One Tweet
Fucking Politics, How Does It Work?
Donald Trump's Cruel Streak
If Facts Don't Matter, Presidential Debates Are Just a Reality Show
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: Made of Shade: Dr. bell hooks On...
The Keith Lamont Scott Execution Video
Should we treat Chicago gun violence as a public health problem like HIV?
Inside the Final Days of Roger Ailes's Reign at Fox News
i have considered the matter deeply and this is DEFINITELY a story that needs telling
Gimme money, that's what I want
We understand gravity just fine, thank you.
Trumpism Is the Symptom of a Gravely Ill Constitution
Trump Killed Outrage
Trump Jr.'s Terrorism-Skittles Bowl Analogy
The Next Great Stoic Competition
Shut up and sing
The 10 Worst Sentences In David Brooks's The Uses of Patriotism, Ranked From "This Is Fucking Stupid" To "This Dude Is On Crack"
Mississippi drainage
Immigrant Mom Didn't Move Here So You Could Make Memes In A Cubicle
#1253; In which War is waged, Part 2
Corvo certainly doesn't go the pacifist route in this Dishonored 2 trailer
Wukan Villagers Describe Police Violence as Governor Denies Crackdown
Trump Campaign Embraces Another White Supremacist Symbol: Pepe the Frog
Chart of the Day #3: The Uninsured Rate Dropped Yet Again in 2015
Earth Temperature Timeline
Marijuana is not Coffee
A Quest to Save America's Dying Regional Slang
Teens don't get high like they used to, new federal data show
Iraqi Oil Fields: A Primer
BYO Boot Camp: Burlington and Santa Rosa!
Brooklyn's Hasidic Hackers Organized a Global Broadcast System In the Seventies
What Supporting Donald Trump Did to Dennis Prager's Principles
Prison Labor: Modern Slavery
Another spell from the Book of Magick
Mika Model
Professional corner-cutting
radovanvirholt: dare-to-dm: What is this from? It's...
Reverse Voxsplaining: Drugs vs. Chairs
You Will Know Them By Their Whoops
About Trump's Mandatory-Minimums For Returning-Aliens Proposal
Do Nootropics Give Esports Gamers an Edge?
Apple Jonathan Concept (1985)
Recruitment 2016
Most Television Shows Should Only Be One Season
This Sorority Recruitment Video Is The Scariest Fucking Thing I've Ever Seen And Will Give You Nightmares
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Popeye
No Mario's SkyLudam Dare Game Jam entry from ASMB Games combines...
Rush Limbaugh, Dick Morris, and Audience Trust
"It's Out There!" An Endlessly Recurring Series
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Teach a Man to Fish
Jill Stein Being A Buffoon Is Overdetermined
#1248; Two Thoughts Diverged in a Yellow Wood
Nth Wave Feminism
The Millennial Whoop
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Parenting Regions
Miranda July and Paul Ford Cyberstalked Me
The Surprising Reason Why More Americans Aren't Going To Church
Guns and demonstrations
It's Time to Stop Using the 'Fire in a Crowded Theater' Quote
What Are We So Afraid Of?
Why The Clinton Foundation Is Gross
Yes, Politics Is Sort of a Grubby Business
Make America (Realize It's) Safe Again
First, They Came for the Experts
Black Friday Courtroom Confessions Veer Off-script
Free-market ideology: a reply to some replies
Because We are a Nation of Sociopaths Is Why
Against the Voter-As-Consumer And Politics-As-Soap-Opera
How to be a better voter
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Your Greatest Weakness
Manafort Out, Someone Worse Is In
The white man in the photo of the Black Power salute at the 1968 Olympics)
Rush Limbaugh: 'Immorality on a Large Scale Will Ultimately Implode'
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
Maureen Dowd Is A National Embarrassment
11 Incredible Findings from the Report on Baltimore PD
The case that policing in Baltimore is racially biased, in seven charts
The Unsporting Spirit
#1244; The Grooves Arise from Overuse
Is Boston Beer Doomed?
Here is the shorts decision procedure: are you male? Over 20 years old? Over 50 meters from the sea? Then it's long pants for you
The LHC "nightmare scenario" has come true.
Remembering the biggest mass murder in the history of the world
Clinton & The God Vote
A glimpse into the mind of the crazy man
No, the police can't pull over drivers to give them gifts
recent TV
Chuck Norris vs CommunismGiven the recent news of the final...
A Good Christian Makes a Bad Case for Trump
The Incoherence of the Religious Conservative Case For Trump
Classroom Metrics - Real World Case Study for Games in Schools - Extra Credits
Study finds blacks are not more likely to get hurt after police stops
When Gains at the Top Hurt Those at the Bottom
A popular conspiracy theory is spreading in the Trump family. It's totally false.
Donald Trump's New York Times interview reveals a dangerously lazy mind at work
your memory should be longer than 7 years
it was the best of punctuation; it was the worst of punctuation–
Suspect in Baton Rouge cop killings: "Don't get a woman if you cant keep her in check"
Classism and the Politics of SNAP
Divider-in-chief by @BloggersRUs
A Note on Muslims, the Constitution, and 'Suicide Pacts'
What 'Pokémon Go' For HoloLens Would Look Like
The Senate's Only Black Republican Opens Up About Being Mistreated by Cops
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: We Real Cool: Black Men and...
The math behind our suicide and guns calculations
Trump As GOP Comeuppance
What Happens If GPS Fails?
Congressional Republicans — and everyone else — should take Trump's authoritarianism seriously
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: Killing Rage: Ending Racism by...
Teen finds corpse instead of cute monsters while playing Pokemon GO
Children's hospital warns staff about Pokemon GO players entering restricted areas
List: EDM DJ or Hormonal Contraceptive?
Kushner's Response to the Anti-Semitic Tweet is a Deflection
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: Communion: the Female Search For...
"As An Admirer of Barack Obama, I Cannot Support A Candidate Who Has Indistinguishable Views."
The Horror
Non-Compete Agreements
NASA extends the missions of nine spacecraft
RT @MsSashii: PSA: Mean Girls is back on Netflix for those who may not know. Go be great.
Elizabeth Warren's Consolidation Speech Could Change the Election
Ningbo Issues Handbook on Correct Cadre Conduct
The Toast Looks Back: The Best Of Talking To Babies About Philosophy
How a GPS Glitch Can Change the Taste of Your Salad
Paul Ryan Wants to Increase the Medicare Eligibility Age to 67
Calvin & Hobbes: the big bangProject by Gabriel de...
The real reason Democrats and Republicans are fighting over whether to vote on doomed gun bills
'But This Latter Person, I Am Not Trying To Convince'
The Polyamorous Christian Socialist Utopia That Made Silverware for Proper Americans
ISIS experts testify on what it will take to defeat terrorism
Source: Feminist Theory: From Margins to Center by bell hooks
Printed Perforated Lampshades for Continuous Projective...
The Most Contentious Meal of the Day
Against Dog Whistle-ism
A Blow to the Islamic State
Democrats Finally Agree—On Worst Gun Bill Ever
In Support Of A Total Ban on Civilians Owning Firearms
"Its SIMPLE" – Chiappa Rhino Revolver Internals
Brexit and political ignorance
Suicide Is the Gating Item That Prevents Most Cases of Small-Scale Terror
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Machine Ethics
on the other hand "pay for your own police force" historically results in samurai, which are objectively PRETTY NEAT
Dramatic PAWS
As Usual, the Unrich in America Continue to Tread Water
List: Fitspiration or Charles Manson Quote?
The Burlington Free Press is a whore
Point of Spousal Privilege
Bob Costas To Muhammad Ali--"Well Actually..."
Marxist Business Consulting
Psychonauts is coming to PS4 this week
The 72 New Emoji, Ranked
Obama Is Right: We Need to Expand Social Security. But Not For Everybody.
Ayn Rand's Mary Poppins
Inside Charles Koch's $200 million quest for a 'Republic of Science'
A little fearmongering from VT Watchdog
Jews Are Taking Back (((Echoes))) From the Neo-Nazis
LSrDApp by Pinkwerks for the Microsoft Hololens turns its...
"As An Admirer of Barack Obama, I Cannot Support A Candidate Who Has Indistinguishable Views."
Burlington needs to grow.
ryan what is this twattle
Yes, A Billionaire Looking To Destroy A Media Organization Through Lawsuits Is A Big Deal Even If You Don't Like The Media Organization
There's a big problem with Bernie Sanders's free college plan
California Lt. Gov. Newsom goes after trans woman online for her gun politics
The Horror
P vs. NP and the Computational Complexity Zoo
Six Women Programmed the First Computer—And Didn't Get the Credit
Open Letters: An Open Letter to the US Immigration Officer Who Confused Me for a Criminal by Felipe Torres Medina
Non-Compete Agreements
The Offenders
U.S. Planning New Round of Deportation Raids
Do You Miss Jon Stewart?
A staggering number of people with good factory jobs still need government help
The Rhodes Profile and the Nuclear Deal
Remembering Slavery At Whitney
Chait and Socialism
This Grid-Scale Battery Is Based on Train Cars and Good Old Gravity
If only Mrs. Till had taught her son not to speak to white women
Stop Trying To Fix Poor People
More on Georgetown and Reparations
A Response To A Critical Email From A University of Wisconsin-Superior Student
The great 'ethnic food' lie
Speaking the wrong language
Scarlett Johansson's Ghost in the Shell casting is even worse than it seems
A Tale of Two Tyrannies
What Would A World Without Internet Be Like?
The Lie Behind the Transgender Bathroom Predator Myth
Interview with the Mormon
Distributism Is the Future
Remote Control
Dear Time Magazine: Cut the Crap, Okay?
We Need to Quit Trying to Cut Middle-Class Income Taxes
The Feminists Of Wakanda
Lawsplainer: What Does That Controversial Mississippi Law Do, Anyway?
West Hollywood mayor says city wouldn't grant special event permits to Trump rally
Burn Down the Whole Damned Town and Start With the Media
Can a Dress Shirt Be Racist?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Dream
Business jargon we got used to
American Amnesia: Three Cheers For the Mixed Economy!
savedbythe-bellhooks: Source: All About Love: New Visions by...
What's the Sentence for Being a White Man Found Building a Bomb to Blow Up a Mosque?
Gun Control Is a Misfire
Supreme Court zaps Massachusetts stun-gun opinion
The Work That Makes Work Possible
Among the Rubble of the Freedom Agenda
#1209; Talk and Awe
4 ½ pies in one!
Contrary to Trump-Sanders Theory Imports Rise in Booms and Fall in Recessions
Face2FaceResearch from Matthias Niessner and others can alter...
There's a big problem with Bernie Sanders's free college plan
Marriage Will Not Fix Poverty
What's the Solution to Gun Violence in America?
Top Ten List of Things That Are Going Great in America
The Jesuit Priest Who Believed in God and the Singularity
"You have to get out of that neighborhood if you want decent children"
The Glaring Evidence That Free Speech Is Threatened on Campus
Donald Trump's Big Lie on Health Care
Donald Trump Is a Big Fat Liar
economic reductionism, again
Conservative Rhetoric and Transgender Bathroom Battles
War Stories: My Journey From Blindness to Building a Fully Conversational User Interface
Girly Vectors: A Watch List
Bernie Is Not a Socialist and America Is Not Capitalist
America has locked up so many black people it has warped our sense of reality
The Myth of the Barter Economy
After Neoliberalism
Black Incarceration Didn't "Explode" Under the 1994 Crime Bill
How the Conservative Movement Enabled the Rise of Trump
Source: Black Looks: Race and Representation by bell hooks
African Influences
I dare you to read this and still feel good about tipping
The 9/11 You've Probably Never Heard About
Ted Cruz's Defense Spending Plan: Lots of Debt, Not Much Strategy
Cruz's Gargantuan Military Budget
U.S. Proxies in Syria Are Attacking Each Other
I remember there was an episode of SBTB where they get an assignment to find out their family history, and Jessie finds out her ancestors were slave traders and has to talk about it in front of the class and then like apologies to Lisa for it and it's super awkward, like the most awkward TV show I can remember. Anyway no question or anything, just something that seems up this blog's alley. Bye.
GANGSTER: i run an illegal gambling operation and i need a tough name for that / CHILD: bookie / GANGSTER: no, see, i'm a tough criminal who - / CHILD: BOOKIE
The Strange New Vocabulary of Korean Factory Workers
Some Thoughts on the Presidential Race and SocioCapitalism – Updated
Does Affirmative Action Create Mismatches Between Students and Universities?
savedbythe-bellhooks: SIDESHOW: Sometimes I have other ideas...
Big Boss becomes Big Brother
The myths of Moore's law
Open Thread: Snapshots from the Great SC Dumpster Fire
A New Kind of Public Works
Marco Rubio Might Be the Party's Moderate, but His Tax Plan Is Extreme
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Wilderness Training
Get Your Memes Right: The 1994 Crime Bill Didn't Create Mass Incarceration
'Yes, I Will Be Voting for Senator Sanders'
This Is What a Gravitational Wave Sounds Like
LIGO Sees First Ever Gravitational Waves As Two Black Holes Eat Each Other
Internet Archive Does Windows: Hundreds of Windows 3.1 Programs Join the Collection
One Graph for Understanding the Poverty Problem
The Creationist Style of Crime Control
It's a Societal Addiction Problem When It is White People
NASA releases even more of its fantastical space tourism posters
What If We Built a C-SPAN on Steroids?
A history of Japan
#1196; The Currency of Cute
Why Empower Girls If You Can Just Protect Them?
Men's Fashion, Eugenics, and Cultural Capital
Nuclear Fusion Hit a Massive Milestone in Germany
How India Pierced Facebook's Free Internet Program
Why a top food safety expert doesn't eat oysters and always orders meat well-done
Mostly Uninformative Infographics: …About Law & Order: Special Victims Unit by Cecilia Esther Rabess
Amazon explained in one chart
In the immortal words of Brazilian Girls...
Sexbot ethics
How NASA Pulled off the Craziest Stunt on Mars, From the Guy Who Led the Team
The striking power of poverty to turn young boys into jobless men
Basic Income Is A Welfare Strategy
Interview: The Venture Bros.' Jackson Publick Talks What We Can Expect From S6 and What Took Them So Dang Long
Bill Gates' tribute to Richard Feynman, "The Best Teacher I Never Had"
Lemmy's Death Is Our New Roommate
Bernie or Hillary? Left on the streets of Los Angeles.
The Challenger Disaster's Minority Report
Rush Limbaugh Doesn't Know He's Part of the Establishment
An Unprecedented Threat to Privacy
What is Cultural Appropriation?
Source: Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope by bell hooks
Source: Ain't I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism by bell hooks
A moderate defense of extremism in defense of liberty
You might be among the world's richest people and not realize it
From Pickup Artist to Pariah
World of Tomorrow and the Copy-Pasted Brain
The Art of Teaching
Populist dreamers on the right
So What Would Happen if Bernie Sanders Won?
Inflating the "Iranian Threat"
Not looking good for legalized pot
Late Night Excellent Reads: More on NR's Jihad Against Trump
it's a strategic mistake to get the case for equality bound up in aesthetics
Nation First, Conservatism Second
oppression is material
Bob does have grounds for complaint, however: the protocol tells him that he is communicating with...
What top researchers discovered when they re-ran the numbers on income inequality
Lies, Damned Lies, And The Media (Part 6 of ∞)
Source: Feminism Is For Everybody: Passionate Politics by bell...
An American-Politics Junkie in China
Zeiss Smart Lenses Get Right What Google Glass Got So Wrong
The Nuclear Deal and the Ten Sailors
Today's Free Press front page is just perfect
Eric Posner: The First Amendment's Nemesis
Guns And States
Obamacare Is Beating Its Goal of Reducing the Uninsured Rate
SIDESHOW: Sometimes there are other ideas that I think would be...
Obamacare Is Beating Its Goal of Reducing the Uninsured Rate
Marriage Is Not a Magical Social Cure
All of the Reasons Scientists Are Certain We Are Now Living in the Anthropecene
Mayo Jive
Paul Graham Doesn't Write Essays
Tea and Unaccountability: Bureaucracy and the Drug War
President Obama And The Rhetoric Of Rights
Sagebrush Rebellion Politics
Will the Natural Monopoly in Energy Distribution Come to an End? Here's Hoping
Balloon Juice Bunker Standoff Update Day 3: What Do They Want?
Freedom and hypocrisy
Obama Doesn't Watch TV News. Good.
Mini Object Lesson: When Does Bread Become Toast?
Brave New War
Obama's Executive Action on Guns: My Prediction
We Must Cut the Military and Transition to a Science-Industrial Complex
No, a federal judge did not rule that drinking tea and shopping at a gardening store amounts to probable cause
The Developer Formerly Known as FreeBSDGirl
Why are gun rights supporters worried about bans on so-called assault weapons?
Why Engineers Can't Stop the Enormous Methane Leak Flooding LA
Fuck You Friday - Q-Tips and Aurelius
Jessica Valenti Calls For Jailing of Critics Of War And The Draft
The Logic of the Police State
Guns Save Life Sues Cook County Over Ammunition, Gun Taxes
that's not why you feel the way you feel
My friend was dying when I spoke to him, and he felt himself helpless in the formless grasp of the...
MEMEDAY: Brilliant Strategy to Defeat Feminists by Asking if they Mean Black Men Too
The Free Universal Construction Kit
Survey results from this year's Cards Against Humanity holiday survey
Secret Policy to Ignore Social Media? Not So Fast
Fallout 4 and Gender Roles
The Hugging Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Poker, Wikipedia, and the Singular They
Pareto proportions in healthcare
Promoting Marriage Has Failed and Is Unnecessary to Cut Poverty
The Man in the High Castle in Albany and The First Amendment
58 commonly misused words and phrases
A Journey Into the Heart of Facebook
Second Amendment 'Terrorists'
The Two Leading Presidential Candidates -- Clinton And Trump -- Are Both Mocking Free Speech On The Internet
The mysterious case of America's plummeting gun violence
Ultimate Dreidel Fighting Rules by Jen Spyra
Source: Homegrown: Engaged Cultural Critcism by bell hooks
What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to preach? To have meetings at his house?
Cruz's Atrocious Ideas for the War on ISIS
Is Religion Primarily Preaching Or Practice?
#1179; Time for the Truth
How Poor Single Moms Survive
How Pro-Choice Activists Are Like Pro-Gun Activists, Cont'd
7 Things I Learned Reading Every Issue Of ISIS's Magazine
This is the feel-good overclocking manga you've been waiting for
The Future of Native American Imagery in Sports
How Is ISIS Still Making Money?
BREAKING! Ken Arrow Still Right!
Why Defeating Daesh Is So Difficult
DailyDirt: Saving For A Rainy Day
Gotta Keep 'Em Separated
but who's counting
Hardball Questions For The Next Debate
The One Thing You Should Read Today, on Veterans Day
When Minorities Demand Equal Respect
Richard Feynman's Deliberate Genius
Philosophers Don't Get Much Respect, But Their Earnings Don't Suck
Safe Spaces As Shield, Safe Spaces As Sword: Part II
#1173; The Appetizer App
Safe Spaces As Shield, Safe Spaces As Sword
The New Intolerance of Student Activism
Here I Am, Stuck In The Pyramid-dle With You
Kynecting the elections to policy
Maybe Republicans Really Are In Disarray
SIDESHOW: Sometimes there are other ideas that I think would be...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Chinese Room
Blade Runner Voight-Kampff Tests Part I
MIT team develops enhanced energy transport using quantum physics and genetic engineering
How is NSA breaking so much crypto?
Running for President Isn't Brain Surgery
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A Higher Order
this comic does assume our previous comic, "how to always avoid small talk forever", has somehow failed you
This Royal Throne of Feels, This Sheltered Isle, This England
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Most American Movie
as though everyone had value
Let's Talk about Common Core Math
How a 1965 law changed the faces of America
To Catch A Bomb-Maker
Are You Literally What You Post? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
My Neighbor Totoro deleted Scene, Girl goes up Totoro's bottom...
Ninth Circuit Imposes (Some) Limits On Cops Yanking Things Out of Your Ass
Inside The Epic Fantasy That's Driven Donald Trump For 33 Years
How often is hate-motivated violence committed against Christians in the U.S.?
Most Americans Get 'Free Stuff' From The Government
This doctor says violence is contagious, and we should treat it like a disease
#1163; An Account of the Offense
"Your Speech Silences Me:" A Trope The Kids Learned From Us
Burbank Shopping Plaza No. 4
Cardiologists and Chinese Robbers
The key difference between what poor people and everyone else eat
China's Drone Army Is Beginning to Look a Lot Like the US's
Carly Fiorina accidentally said something really smart about weed
Race and History in New Mexico
What's a Girl to Do?
A Million People Were In Prison Before We Called It Mass Incarceration
Microaggressions Matter
'Dissent,' a New Type of Security Tool, Could Markedly Improve Online Anonymity
What it's like to live on $2 a day in the United States
What we should never forget on 9/11
#1157; In which Health has progressed
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Utilitarian Judgment
The Parable Of The Talents
Framing For Light Instead Of Heat
No Physical Substrate, No Problem
The one scientific statement to reboot civilization
Armed Jews Fought Back Against the Nazis – To No Appreciable Effect
The Right to a Dignified Life
What Makes Scandinavia Different?
one rule
The Art Economy In Vornheim
Straight Outta Physics
The Poverty Capitalism Creates
A stunning visualization of our divided Congress
Missing the Point on Employer Subsidies
This One Argument About Anti-Discrimination Makes No Sense
Mapping Occupation
The Myth Destroying America: Why Social Mobility Is Beyond Ordinary People's Control
Debunked And Well-Refuted
Nobody Is Perfect, Everything Is Commensurable
[By Ivan Perkins:] Armed constitutionalism — why guns don't actually keep us safe from tyranny
The First Amendment Guide to the Second Amendment
The Lockean right of self-defense–and stand-your-ground laws
buzzfeed: It has come to our attention that these are British breadsticks: We feel so, so sorry for...
Joint Employers
That Jewish-Baker-Swastika-Cake Analogy Is Backwards
Is Abortion an African-American Genocide? The Problem with Conservatives Citing Margaret Sanger
Built for Eternity
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Profits and Process
Left B. Hound: Year One
End Mandatory Minimum Sentencing
The Polder
Ok Weird Gnomes
Analyzing the 2013 Bitcoin fork: centralized decision-making saved the day
Zoning out the poor
webcardz u can uze
Saving the open web
Quote of the Day: Mike Huckabee Wants American Wars to Last Ten Days Max
Firestone Walker Partners with Duvel. David Walker Answers Questions
also the nuclear fallout could make a moon base tricky. just sayin'. i just happen to think it's hard enough to live on the moon without NUCLEAR FALLOUT
The General Rule For Licensing
Smell your beer. Does it reek of gimmickry?
taste as taste
Amid all the progress we are still barbarians
Moynihan's Anti-Feminism
The Confederacy Won the Peace
The Foolishness of Post-Work Utopianism
The case for monogamy
Two Kinds of Freedom of Speech (or #Strangeloop vs. Curtis Yarvin)
Sign Language
What is the best charitable cause in the world?
Jeb Bush Has Announced the Perfect Republican Economic Plan
March of TIMES
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - InMANity
an apology to vanilla
How to Thrive in the Age of Megadrought
Against Tulip Subsidies
What it really means to rely on food stamps and welfare
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Why Do Parents Fight?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Gang Signs
What I Learned When I Took Some Folks for a Ride
Zak's Dungeon Roller
8 reasons — and one powerful video — show why racism is real in America
Yes, Black America Fears the Police. Here's Why.
Cops: We Need Rights More Than You, Citizen
The Future Is Filters
These cops are tired of white people getting freaked out by their black neighbors
i am ready for "ryanorthy" to mean whatever you want it to mean
'The Slow Death of Free Speech in Britain (America, You're Next!)'
Baltimore and the Rights of the Poor
Why riots?
The Clock Didn't Start with the Riots
What you really need to know about Baltimore, from a reporter who's lived there for over 30 years
Realistic Recipes for Every Meal
Feminist is a dirty word
Bad day to be a pro-science liberal
Friendly Reminder: Donald Trump Is A Clown Who Shouldn't Be Taken Seriously
Sexual Empowerment vs. Objectification: A Handy-Dandy Visual Guide from Everyday Feminism
"Safe Spaces" And The Mote In America's Eye
George R.R. Martin Talks Gamergate, Online Hate and Representation of Straight White Men
Unjust police killing of Tulsa man, Eric Harris, reveals a deep and dangerous scandal in Oklahoma
Lawmakers propose ban on alcohol to make pot point
The Land of the Free
there are only a few phrases that can make me feel like i chose the wrong career, but "gamma gardener" is definitely one of them
DISCOVERY: Ancient Egyptian beer making vessels believed to have made shitty homebrew
BREAKING NEWS - White Labs Official Statement on Brett trois.
DEA Orchestrates Disinformation Campaign To Conceal Surveillance Powers
Source: Ain't I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism by bell hooks
SIDESHOW: Sometimes there are other ideas that I think would be...
Ten Short Rants About #PizzaMemories
The double-standard of making the poor prove they deserve government benefits
Forget Dams: Let's Store Extra Energy in Rocks on Trains and Underwater Balloons
How Technology Led a Hospital To Give a Patient 38 Times His Dosage
Should we pay citizens to vote?
The Awesome Power of Water (vs Bullets)
savedbythe-bellhooks:Source: Communion: the Female Search For...
The breakout of Ansible, and the state of config-management communities
The Nazi Games
T-Bones And Cadillacs
Girls Who Code, Black Girls Code and others are growing fast, making a real difference
What If Uber's Just A Terrible Business?
Yes, Black America Fears the Police. Here's Why.
A Report on Latir (Neomexicanus) Hops
Someone Combined the Two Worst Fonts in Existence
What's the real deal with Hop Hunter's "farm-distilled hop oil"?
How to Make Your First Commercial Batch of Beer in 75 Easy Steps
How I got Mikkeller to call me a bastard
"classic" "aphorisms" "rephrased"
Akira Kurosawa And Composing Movement
Can You Hot Dog It?
They need money #lowwageworkingwomen
The Thin Blue Line of Entitlement
theonion: Apple MacBook vs. Google Chromebook Pixel Nailed...
That Time Mae Jemison, Pioneering Astronaut, Was on Star Trek: The Next Generation
What speech is going to justify expulsion next?
critique drift
How Do We and The Sims Perform Gender? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
Fine-Friendly Ferguson Judge Owes $170K in Back Taxes
Yes, This Is A Pastoral Revolution, Ctd.
Bliki: BeckDesignRules
REPORT: Steven Seagal to Star in "Dubbel Trouble" Beer Themed Action Movie
The Gangsters of Ferguson
Astronomers Saw a Star Explode from Multiple Angles, and Expect It to Echo
Why Ron Jeffries Should Basically Just Learn To Read
Does Voter ID Inherently Discriminate?
These five charts show the progress made in fighting homelessness
When Just One Leg Up Isn't Enough
The American tradition of multiculturalism
Strange Seeds on Distant Shores
Policing by consent
Ev Williams on metrics
Top 10 Articles of 2014
The FCC Did NOT Make the Internet a Public Utility
The Town Where Everyone Got Free Money
A Simple Chart That Shows We've Locked Up Too Many People
No Escape From History
Amelia Greenhall on Vivek Wadhwa
The nation's decline in crime owes almost nothing to mass incarceration
Open carry vs. announced carry
"I have the uncomfortable feeling that others are making a religion out of it, as if the conceptual..."
It turns out the "welfare queens" just say no
Locking the Web Open, a Call for a Distributed Web
Crusader Babbits
Katha Pollitt FTW
Ethics, shmethics
vaccines, coercive like a market
A Measly Epidemic
The lazy moochers of the 47%
Death and The Anti-Vaxxer
No, pasting over anti-Islam ads with images of 'Ms. Marvel' isn't free speech
"take control" = "invoke your privilege"
The elderly poor had it so good back in the day
More on the motto: true to Vermont's heritage
Johnson's Dead Drop Tree
Don't worry, nobody will notice the hypocrisy
Four Little Steps And One Big Leap To Fix U.S. Health Care
The inflation chicken littles were so wrong: The dollar is on a tear
These Are A Few (More) Of My (Least) Favorite Things
Gizmodo on Oregon's dark, racist past
Depression Is Not A Proxy For Social Dysfunction
Censorship envy
The Justice Department is finally making it harder for police to seize property
SpaceX Releases Dramatic Photos and Video of Rocket Landing Explosion
Highlights from Overlawyered—2014
Why Tipping Should Be Banned
Is 'SimCity' Homelessness a Bug or a Feature?
Yep, Gasoline Lead Explains the Crime Decline in Canada Too
'Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression'
Things For Which You Can Find Knitting Patterns
#1091; A Duly Rigorous Experiment
THE CODE: A declassified and unbelievable hostage rescue story
11 of the worst policy ideas of 2014
Is Broken Windows a Broken Theory of Crime?
Sandi Metz Explores Rules for Object-Oriented Coding
Quake running on an oscilloscope is the ultimate demake
a few notes on Asian Americans and affirmative action
Anil Dash on the legal vs. ethical definitions of "public"
Knee-Jerk Rejection Of Pop Culture Like Video Games Isolates Conservatives
Five things I consumed in 2014
ladyhistory: *shimmers out of room* IF YOU HAVE NOT READ P.G....
The Original American Homebrews pt.1
Nintendo games turn pulp fiction in these magnificient fake book covers
Bullet Proof Groin
The War on Christmas is over. Jesus won.
What BioShock's creator learned from Shadow of Mordor
Unless I'm missing something, this is an exceedingly strange opinion
Unedited Footage of a Bear
Sorry, Putin. Russia's economy is doomed
Quote of the Day: Russian Central Bank Decides It Needs to Destroy the Economy In Order to Save It
in this dinosaur comics, things are gonna get... a little hairy
Torture Is Not a Hard Concept
WLP644 Background
The Ebola Outbreak is Raging and No One Gives Enough Fucks
racial inequality is objectively worse than 30 years ago
Did The Nanny State Kill Eric Garner?
When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong – United States of America Edition
New Exotic, The ASHPD
2 Custom Exotics
Police Defending Bad Laws
Alien: 1970s, City, Futura, Helvetica
"Bury Our Friends": On Sleater-Kinney
Chris Rock is right: White Americans are a lot less racist than they used to be.
#1081; The Lingering Icebergs (1 of 3)
good morning good morning
Yglesias Award Nominee
Finding The System Guilty
The Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Proves 'The System' Still 'Works'
Is Pot Smoking Really a Federal Crime?
Obama's executive order on immigration is good policy, as well as good law – but not quite as good as it may seem
Why whites don't understand black segregation
What charges could the Michael Brown grand jury consider, if they choose to indict?
Has Obama Gone Too Far? Five Key Questions Answered About the Legality of His Immigration Plan.
Obama, immigration, and the rule of law
Thursday Night
Half an hour of damn good cosplay at Dragon Con
Nicholas Kristof on what 'whites just don't get' about racial inequality
Now 'The Last Starfighter' gets a modern trailer
A Glimpse of Artificial Intelligence
Alternate Universe What Ifs
Problem Identification, or Helping a Buddy Stay in the Hobby
Is Hot-Side Aeration Fact or Fiction? | exBEERiment Results!
November 19, 2014
USA Freedom Act Fails To Move Forward... For Incredibly Stupid Reasons
Roosh V's "Reaxxian" Website Kicks Off Exciting Era Of Gaming Ethics And Innovation
MS14-066, CVE-2014-6464, CVE-2014-6469, CVE-2014-6491, CVE-2014-6494, CVE-2014-6496, CVE-2014-6500, CVE-2014-6507m CVE-2014-6555, CVE-2014-6559
We're landing on a comet tomorrow
Not These Guys Again! The Case for Term Limits
Baskin-Robbins Camouflage Ice Cream
Why turning our clocks back Sunday makes no sense
The 10 greatest changes of the past 1000 years
Facebook Joins Tor, And The Dark Web Gets A Little More Useful (If A Little Less Cool)
Vermont's Automatic License Plate Readers: 7.9 Million Plates Captured, Five Crimes Solved
you-and-me-divine: If you didn't think "Shia LaBeouf" could get...
Ten Short Rants About #GamerGate
Against Carceral Feminism
A New Microscope Can See Inside Moving Cells In Real Time, and There Are Videos
Political Media is an Abomination
Brand New Thoughts Series: If electrons orbit the nucleus of an...
Gender And Representation In Warhammer's Realms of Chaos
Start a mystery cult.
LiartownUSA has always celebrated ONLINE SOCIAL JUSTICE...
The problematic culture of "Worse is Better"
Whites are more supportive of voter ID laws when shown photos of black people voting
ISPs Are Throttling Encryption, Breaking Net Neutrality And Making Everyone Less Safe
We Have a Saudi Arabia Problem, Not an Islam Problem
The Grand Conspiracy
NASA's MAVEN Probe Is Already Sending Back New Data on Mars' Climate Past
The Oceans Are Warming, Expanding, and Becoming Dangerously Acidic
Cry, robot: 'Automata' review
Why drawing congressional districts by race is a terrible idea
Can Liberalism Be Saved From Itself?
Poor Choices
The Sexual (and Racial) Politics of Nerd Culture: A Dialogue*
White people are more likely to deal drugs, but black people are more likely to get arrested for it
Why early voting is about so much more than convenience
List of actual, real ethical concerns in videogames
A Climate Polemic Against Capitalism
Here's Yet Another Rage-Inducing Scam in the American Health Care System
Bread Shaping Technique - AMAZING video!
Mitt Romney Takes Another Crack at Explaining the 47 Percent
On supply chain for small breweries.
Surveillance State
UFC Twin Fights
What Rhimes With Bad Cultural Analysis?
Anthony Burgess on "the Duty to Distrust the State"
The Poverty of Culture
The reactionaries are just plain wrong about gaming's future
semicolson: hitsvilleuk: The Internet Is Leaking of the day:...
Things We Saw Today: Chewbacca Dog Comes With His Own Bandolier - Baby got 'bacca.
Permission to Touch
We have the best firewall
Tropes vs. Women in Video Games explores women as sexual playthings, violence victims
The best way to survive a headshot in a first-person shooter
The internet doesn't care about security
What's a Craft Brewery Doing in Politics?
Tropes vs. Women in Video Games explores women as sexual playthings, violence victims
In Ferguson, Cops Hand Out 3 Warrants Per Household Every Year
While discussing the internet...
Digital Breaks, or "Breaks"
Who are you getting your Ferguson information from? I'm having problems verifying what's actually happening!
Fark Banned Misogyny to Facilitate Free Speech
Unintentional Venn diagram suggests opposite meaning
We Created a Policing Monster By Mistake
Where Do Republicans Stand On The Michael Brown Case?
95% of Republican House districts are majority-white
Cooking Frozen Steaks
The best way to survive a headshot in a first-person shooter
First-Person Hyperlapse Videos
Next-Gen Fame
Convicted In Court, Exonerated On Twitter
They'd Ask Me Cutting And Incisive Questions About Stupid American Politics
Obama's Imperial Presidency? Ctd
Voter ID Laws Are Worse Than Useless
The internet doesn't care about security
Beer In Ads #1272: Give A Happy Schlitzday Party
The federal government's incredibly poor, misleading argument for marijuana prohibition
Guns and freedom
Boehner's Border Bill, Ctd
Say Goodbye To Wine As We Know It
We Want A Pure LHC-kill-beam Thought Experiment Here
2. AB Positive Blood Anti-Discrimination Campaign:...
Pulp Fiction Cosplay Is Terrifyingly Close To The Real Thing
Does The Safety Net Need Fixing?
DACA Did Not Cause the Surge in Unaccompanied Children
When I get an email about database corruption
Gun Control and The Violence in Chicago
Really? No Benefit Cuts?
A Gift To Obamacare Foes, Ctd
More Block Than Grant?
YOUR BODY: the missing manual
Warhammer 40K Adepta Sororita (Sister of Battle) cosplay.
The Worrying Vacuity Of Hillary Clinton
What Paul Ryan still misses in his new, more serious poverty plan
John Oliver on America's Terrible Infatuation With Prisons
No skin thick enough: The daily harassment of women in the game industry
Dead Space Cosplay Costume by SKSProps.devianta… on...
The polariton laser: With 250x lower power consumption, could this be the answer to on-chip optical interconnects?
What Separates The Best Homebrews From from Rest? (II: Suggestions)
Verizon Gets Snarky, But Basically Admits That It's The One Clogging Its Networks On Purpose
Exterminate All Rational Emoticons
Supreme Court Ruling Over Search Mobile Phones May Really Be The First 'Internet Of Things' Ruling
Internet Industry Hate Taken To Insane Levels: Ridiculous Proposals To 'Nationalize' Successful Internet Companies
100 Percent Efficacy
Decoding Notch's vinyl tweet
Verizon's Netflix throttling exposed
Level3 Proves That Verizon Is Absolutely To Blame For Netflix Congestion... Using Verizon's Own Blog Post
NBC Removes Reporter from Gaza After He Witnessed Israeli Assault on Children
mnot's python http api
targeted information delivery
corny kegs for water storage; how to process apples for juice
Links for 2024-09-16
Links for 2024-08-11
Links for 2024-07-14
Links for 2024-07-07
Links for 2024-06-23
Links for 2024-06-16
Pathfinder2E: information gathering using the Research subsystem
homebrew gentoo NAS OS managed in a virtual environment
"Multi-classing" in Pathfinder 2e
"major injury" rules for Pathfinder 2e
net-wireless/soapyairspy gentoo ebuild
Activating a Scroll in Pathfinder First Edition
custom gentoo nas, part 6: inotify-watch, write detection
custom gentoo nas, part 5: samba 4.8.0, timemachine
custom gentoo nas, part 4: single-user, hostname changing, nas.target
custom gentoo nas, part 3: syslog-ng, systemd journal in memory
custom gentoo nas build, part 2: build and burn-in
nas build, part 1: software/OS plans
nas build, part 0: introduction
politics of pure resentment
"Legitimacy of political outrage is proportional to length of [mis]quote."
Black Friday Bullshit
Happy World Standards Day (except in the US, of course).
Safe Stickers
Champlain Valley Water Quality, 2009
mysql[-bin]-5.1.40 ebuild
django timezone view handling
configuring tomcat6 for https with cargo
Champlain Valley water analysis, Spring 2008
Champlain Valley water anlysis, 2007
java array iteration
rstiki - minimalist wiki using reStructuredText
wish (x10dev) 2.1.5 ebuild
Org-mode (vs. planner-mode)
Oscar handler
creating many graph instances in cacti
Labor day weekend hardwood floor installation
working around java class/memory leak in GATE 3.0
squirrel sql 2.2 gentoo ebuild
VAGUE meeting report - Thu 16 Feb 2006
Logging in JSON
January VAGUE meeting
moving GnuCash from CVS to SVN using cvs2svn.py
November VAGUE meeting, gentoo presentation
squirrel sql 2.0 gentoo ebuild
October VAGUE meeting
jython ui shell, async map
REST misunderstandings
posting delay; homebrew recipes and the semantic web
hotswap changed java code into a JVM with hotswap.jar
software development in 2005
SHAREd Services
RE: REST Design Question #5
unintentional fail-safe messages
RE: REST Design Question #4, part 2
RE: REST Design Question #4
allowing trackback
REST Design questions 2 and 3
simple swing jython shell
Re: REST Design Questions
Amazon's RESTless WS API
mead and ESB
Winooski, VT water mineral content / analysis
LML and RX
SOA and web services
This is what happens
Review: Logitech Harmony 676 Universal Remote
first snow
"How to create a REST Protocol"
splitting semantic hairs
M-x return-to-emacs
a fitful REST
ale hallows eve, 2004
blood moon
kayaking (a different part of) the Winooski
desktop webapps
bloglines API
kayaking the Winooski
tasting Old Growler
information design x2
second brew
Levels of
Personal Information Server
less of a test
numerous verbs and uniform apis
quitting smoking
small things
WinFS and IPC
First Snow
reflection, rating and 'regating
working hard
lots of fun